Firebird in Top#3 Open source databases
Well maybe we will do beter with promotion but this year we won the #3 place in LinuxQuestions Database Of the Year Poll
Thank You to all Who Voted , Next Year target is to overcome Postgresql 🙂
Well maybe we will do beter with promotion but this year we won the #3 place in LinuxQuestions Database Of the Year Poll
Thank You to all Who Voted , Next Year target is to overcome Postgresql 🙂
Another article in Japanise where Firebird History is recolected also Firebird Future and Roadmap from 2008 is inspected
Also in first part Firebird 2. 1.1 is compiled and installed from source on CentOS
Here is an article in Japanese with the quest of installing Firebird 2.0.x on Sun Solaris Sparc
Today i have installed Debian Lenny in an kqemu/kvm virtual machine (managed by virt-manager under ubuntu jaunty )
firebird by default there is 2.0.4 so i wanted the latest firebird2.1 stable from debian so i just dist upgraded the lenny to sid
by replacing all lenny words from /etc/apt/sources.list with sid then i did from console
an apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade after that i have now access to firebird2.1 just released for sid
then in terminal apt-get install firebird2.1-super and after that dpkg-reconfigure firebird2.1-super
The main website was down , the server had an power supply failure , and now seems that Sean changed the server too
From Suse to Debian , Any problems detected with website please report to Firebird-website mailing list
We are proud to announce that the 6th edition of the Brazilian Firebird Developers Day Conference will take place in Piracicaba, SP, at 04/July/2009. The conference site with all the details will be online in May/09.
We invite all the people who can understand Portuguese to be with us in this very special day!
IBRest is a utility to update the data-structures of a working copy of a FireBird database with the latest data-structures in another FireBird database.
You can download it from
Developers who can help improve this Delphi utility with their fixes and updates are also welcome.
Kind regards
Bhavbhuti Nathwani
Another article about Mufin Music Player mentions Firebird:
The installation went smoothly, although it took a little more time than I expected because I had to download and install the open-source SQL Firebird desktop database.
Check the full article here.
I was looking for some tutorial about configuring Squirrel SQL ( to connect to firebird database and unfortunately i couldn’t find one . So when i finally managed to connect, i thought of publishing the steps in my log so that it could be useful to some one else.
Configuring Squirrel Sql to connect to firebird was much easier than i thought.