Firebird an Open Source Database System – First Steps
Here is the Italian guide (first steps) to Firebird and Flamerobin
Here is the Italian guide (first steps) to Firebird and Flamerobin
Here is my presentation prepared for Boston Php meeting
The Linux, Win32 and MacOSX/Intel release candidate 2 kits for Firebird 2.1.2 have been released for field testing. Feedback to the firebird-devel list please; bug-reports to the Tracker.[ED: on 7 was my birthday and we launched mario[z] 3.1 , so I didn’t saw this news ]
Here is the bug with Firebird Port in progress for Fedora/Redhat
There is now the Firebird Developers Progress Report with what is was done in the past months . Also you can compare it with the roadmap
Posted in the IBO Support list:
I am glad to report I am now able to make IBO development my full time effort so the progress with IBO should start moving at a very accellerated pace. I’ve been through a total living hell for the past year but I am absolutely determined to get things back in order and its looking like I am finally there. I will very soon have a BETA version of D2009 to test. The changes made are very wide sweeping. This has been a tremendous amount of work and it is going to take a while yet before it is finished. Almost every aspect of IBO has been hit by these changes. But, it will be good to finally make this transition into Unicode. I’m not complaining.
Thanks for everyone’s patience thus far.
Jason Wharton
We are glad to announce availability of new versions of IBSurgeon emergency tools for Firebird and InterBase: IB/FB FirstAID 2.6, IBBackupSurgeon 2.6, IBUndelete 2.6 and IBSurgeon Pack 3.6.
New versions have support for Firebird 2.1 and InterBase 2009, as well as a lot of improvements in recovery algorithms and bug fixes.
Please check IBSurgeon upgrade paths and policy:
Downloads are here:
This is a small tip that can be used when you want to have separate processes to write to the same records in the database, without deadlocks.
Posted in Firebird-Tools list:
Maybe you know the freeware visual tool IBUtils for Interbase/Firebird ( The application IBUtils is designed for simlifying database design for Interbase and Firebird databases by showing the links between the tables in your database visually, like some CASE tools do. Every change to the tables in your database made by other tools can be refreshed by one mouse click. You can create tables and tables relations too. Changes to database are logged into a file.It is my personal project and I developed it within my free time. The last version was released 3 years ago (quite a long time :)) because I am engaged in other projects and do not have time to do anything with IBUtils. So I definitely decided to OPEN THE SOURCES so that anybody can proceed the development of this tool or include it in his/her software. Now I know that I should have done it earlier.
I do not have experience with open source development so I do not know, what is the best way to open the sources of IBUtils. Should I create a project at SourceForge? What licence to use – GPL, LGPL or some other?
There is on thing important to say: I do not want to be engaged in the IBUtils development due to lack of time. I can help only a little to explain some piece of code if needed. So it would the best if there was somebody, who can take over the leadership of this project.
IBUtils uses pure access to Interbase/Firebird with the excellent IB Objects, without need to use BDE by Jason Wharton. IB Objects is not freeware, so this part should be changed to use some other connectivity, but this could be done easily.
Anybody interested?
aleskahanek <akahanek at>