ListView and Pagination in Delphi + Firebird

Via Leonardo’s Delphi and FreePascal blog

This is one of those things I needed for ages, but didn’t bothered to implement
because I thought it could require an unnecessary amount of work, and allways
opted for a less perfectionist method.

I’m talking about a method to retrieve data in Pages, then browse it in a ListView
transparently for the user.

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Firebird 2.5 Beta 1 is Ready to Test

The Firebird Team is pleased to release the first Beta of Firebird 2.5, feature-complete and ready to field-test. Kits are available for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows and Linux. So – please test it well and report your experiences (good or bad) to the firebird-devel list.

Do make a point of studying the release notes (available on-line and also in the download kits). Note also that there are a few known issues, particularly for those of you who are going to hammer this hard.

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work, booksnakes and a side dish of cherries

Another happy Firebird and Python user and programmer

For more than a year I’m employed by a company called Smantics Kommunikationsmanagement GmbH as a Python developer. The company offers multiple services related to communcation and its management in our modern world. Most of the time I’m working on the server part of a software stack called Visual Library.

The heart of the Visual Library software stack is a Python driven web application server. It’s built on top of CherryPy framework and driven by a Firebird database. The server utilizes a cornucopia of open source third party packages as well as commercial and proprietary software. The most noticable Python packages are lxml for XML and XSL(T), reportlab for PDF creation, Cython for optimization / library bindings and PyLucene for full text search.

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Firebird aquires NimbusDB

The aquisition was funded by Firebird Foundation. Firebird 2.1.3 will include cloud database features merged from NimbusDB, that was being developed by Jim Starkey.

In the other side, Jim will not join the project, and plans to spend the money buying  a bigger boat and sail around the world for the next 5 years.

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Firebird 2.1.2 released


Firebird 2.1.2 is Released
The Firebird team is pleased to announce the sub-release Firebird 2.1.2 for production. Kits for Linux, Windows and MacOSX Intel and PowerPC are making their way to the mirror sites today. Enjoy!
N.B. The Classic package for MacOSX PPC will be delayed slightly.

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Database Workbench 3.3 Pro released

Ladies, gentlemen,

Upscene Productions is proud to announce the next version of the popular database development tool: Database Workbench Pro 3.3

Changes Highlights in 3.3
– Better Stored Routine Debugger
– Ability to cancel import/export processes
– Monitoring GUI for Firebird 2.1
– Ability to cancel running queries in NexusDB, SQL Anywhere and Firebird 2.1
– Stored Routine debugger for SQL Anywhere
– Many new features, enhancements and bug fixes…

New Feature Highlights in 3.2, 3.1 and 3.0

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