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Kevora IDE for Firebird

New QT based IDE for Firebird Kevora

Recently, Kevora also supports Firebird or Interbase access. Despite this database does not have schemas, Kevora will place all objects below a “virtual” rdb$relations schema.

The tools we use to produce Kevora are:

    * Qt Creator or QDevelop.
    * Qt Designer.
    * Qt Linguist.
    * GCC compiler and g++ (on Linux).
    * MinGW (on Windows).
    * InstallJammer or BitRock InstallBuilder for Qt.
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16 versions of Firebird and Interbase are now available for recording on 64-bit platforms via MS SQL Linked Server

Firebird and Interbase users implementing IBProvider drivers in their work last year were the first to take advantage of 64-bit applications. We have produced two more drivers in addition to 64-bit IBProvider v3: IBProvider v2 and IBProvider v1.

Firebird, Interbase and 64-bit MS SQL Linked Server

Due to 64-bit IBProvider v2 driver, 16 versions of Firebird and Interbase are now available for recording on 64-bit Windows OS via MS SQL Linked Server.

64-bit updatable rowsets in ADO

In addition to MS SQL Linked Server, there are many libraries and utilities that support updatable rowsets technology implemented only in IBProvider v2. One of such libraries is ADO library.

64-bit support in ADO and WHS allows to develop 64-bit automation scripts in VBScript language. For example:

  • Firebird/Interbase database automated administration scripts;
  • scripts for building reports, eporting to Office, XML, sending reports via email;
  • database backup, recovery, and replication scripts;
  • customizable business logic scripts in 64-bit applications;
  • etc.

With IBProvider drivers, writing of applications for Firebird and Interbase will become an easy and fascinating task.
We have made provision for the most difficult and will gladly share our technologies with you.

Release details on the ibprovider website: Firebird and Interbase driver

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