Embarcadero Tools and FB

I’m at Delphi Day 2009 , naturally in Italy. This morning I follow an introduction session held by David Intersimone. And after some slide finally he asnwer me a last year question: “when you will support firebird?”

I saw some slide from Rapid SQL and other Embarcadero tools where there is a new item:


He showed us how connect to a fdb, insert, list, delete data with a simple grid+dbnavigator in delphi….

I suppose this is a good news!… or not?…

Codebue Fabio

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Under the Firebird umbrella – updates

Now is added identica group
twitter group also the #firebird irc channel on freenode.net


Also added firebirdsql.ro (we will move the server – sometimes doesn’t responds these days)

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PowerConsole 0.7 is released

I’m happy to announce the public release of PowerConsole v0.7.

What is PowerConsole
In short, PowerConsole is enhanced python interpreter that can host user defined commands. Uses pyparsing-based grammars for user commands to translate them into python calls, so it has limited support for mixing them with Python code.

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Firebird Maestro 9.5 released

Firebird Maestro SQL Maestro Group is pleased to announce the release of Firebird Maestro v. 9.5, a powerful Windows GUI solution for Firebird administration and database development.

New version comes with completely redesigned Data Export and Data Import wizards, updated BLOB Viewer, and some other new features. Read full press release.

Before May 31 you can purchase Firebird Maestro and other SQL Maestro Group products and bundles with a 20% discount.

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