FirebirdNews – Now integrated with OpenID, etc.

Now, if you have an account with Google, OpenID, Yahoo or Blogger, you can login and post comments to FirebirdNews without the need to create a local account! This simplifies a lot the login/account handling process, and I hope we will start to see much more comments to the posts!

To use the new feature, just click the “log in” link (at the SideBar “Meta” section) and choose what provider you wanna use.

If you already have a local FirebirdNews account, sign-in using your local username/password, edit your profile, and use the option to link your local account to any of the supported log-in providers, and you are done!

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IBDeveloper magazines now on-line

From Firebird Surgeon blog:

As you know, IBSurgeon was a publisher of “The InterBase and Firebird Developer Magazine” (or shortly IBDeveloper) in 2005 and 2006. There were 4 issues which attracted a lot of interest (up to 20000 of readers) but at that time there was no way to monetize it, so IBSurgeon decided to close the magazine as a redundant line of business.

Now we’ve put all issues of IBDeveloper to Scribd for easy reading and full text search indexing. You know, there are still “all times greatest hits” articles and materials (like one regarding locking in Firebird by Ann W. Harrison in Issue 2).

Read full post and check the magazines here.

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FirebirdNews – adding interactivity

I have updated the FirebirdNews site with two new WordPress plugins, allowing people to reply comments, and vote for posts. Both options are very easy to use, and probably you already noticed how to use them šŸ˜‰

The intention is that FirebirdNews readers also participate/interact with the site. Go on! Vote for your preferred posts, and don’t hesitate to post comments if you think you have something to say!

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FirebirdClient and InterBase – Short Answer NO is not supported

Jiri is getting more and more support request from people who try to connect to Interbase ! with Firebird .net client.The short answer is that Firebird driver is for Firebird database only and we can’t support Interbase too

Wondering what changed on Earth in last, say, four weeks. Iā€™m getting more than average (read: more than zero) emails, asking whether FirebirdClient works with InterBase. Similarly in mailing list.

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Firebird,the sexy RDBMS ;-)

Dr. Dobbs published a review of the new Delphi 2010, and mentions the new official support for Firebird:

RAD Studio 2010 database drivers have also been updated to support the latest well-known name SQL DBMS’s including IBM DB2 8, Microsoft SQL Server 2008, MySQL 5.1 and Oracle 11g. Also added to this release is support for the sexy, high-performance, open-source Firebird 1.5 RDBMS, showing that Embarcadero is hip with the times by not standing idle with just supporting updates for the entrenched players.

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50% discount on Upscene’s LogManager Series

Upscene Productions is running a 50% discount offer on all of their LogManager products, including the Unlimited Bundle license for VAR deployment scenarios, for two weeks.

Upscene’s LogManager series is a proven logging/auditing suite supporting InterBase, Firebird, MSSQL, Advantage and NexusDB, used by customers in
over 40 countries.

More details on our 2 weeks promo is available here:

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