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Now your programs for Firebird and Interbase are able to process any data volumes

We are glad to announce the release of new IBProvider Professional v3 codename “Shaitan” . The volume of processed data is now restricted only by the free space on your hard disk containing provider’s swap file. In the earlier versions of IBProvider, when the system cache had worked out available physical memory, the performance was dropping substantially.

IBProvider Professional codename “Shaitan” is able not only to process tens of gigabytes of data, but does it substantially faster than its predecessors do.

This is possible due to the usage of more efficient buffering and cashing algorithms and multithread data handling.

Furthermore, support of GB18030 charset was added.

Download new version right now: Firebird provider download.

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New version of FreeAdhocUDF – now with UTF-8 support

Today we uploaded a new version “adhoc 20090925” of FreeAdhocUDF.
There are some bugfixes and 48 new functions (totally now more than 500).
This is a recommended update and the first (and only?) UDF-library with UTF-8 and UNICODE-FSS support.
For security reasons there is a new separate file-UDF-library FAUfile.
You can download it from ftp://ftp.FreeAdhocUDF.org/FreeAdhocUDF/
Documentation found at http://FreeAdhocUDF.org/index_eng.html
For better support there is a forum – direct URL http://FreeAdhocUDF.org/portal
For all kind of questions use eMail help@freeadhocudf.org

adhoc dataservice / Christoph Theuring

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News from the Firebird Foundation

Wed 23 Sep 2009 12:00:00 GMT Bill Oliver Funds Another Week Secretary
Bill Oliver, of SAS, who started a new tradition a few months ago, of donating a “one-week run” of cash for development, has done it again! Thanks, Bill! Any others interested in funding a week? A sum of around $2,100 to $2,300 will do it.

Mon 21 Sep 2009 12:00:00 GMT Annual General Meeting Announced Vice-President
Our Annual General Meeting will start on Monday 12 October 2009 at Noon GMT. The Agenda is available and will be built up as reports and nominations come to hand.

It is TIME to step forward if you wish to indicate that you are available to serve on the new committee. Nominations will be required for the executive offices of President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary. In addition, nominations may be made for non-executive positions. You can link through to the launch page for nominations from the Agenda.

Tue 15 Sep 2009 12:06:00 GMT Pavel Cisar Relinquishes Grant Committee
Pavel Cisar, who has been using the grant allocation for development of QA tests for releases for some years, is relinquishing the grant from November forward. It doesn’t mean Pavel is giving up his task, though: he will carry on with his work. Philippe Makowski, who is the project’s other QA tester, already gave up his grant several months ago.

Old news here.

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Implementing Web-based master data management for Firebird in #Django #Python

Thomas started a new blog category dedicated to Firebird/Django and he is already impressed about it .. And he really contributed back to the backend

Although not being a Python Geek, I gave Django a try, and I must admit, I’m impressed on how fast one can build a simple web-based master data management application with it. It’s pretty much defining an Django object model, which represents the tables, fields and relationships in your database. By enabling Django’s auto-generated admin site/area based on this model, this is all you need to access, delete, insert and update data in your database.

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