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FB Scanner presentation

IB Surgeon published a slide presentation about FB Scanner, a great product that intercepts the traffic between Firebird <-> Clients and allow you to see what is going on (works with any FB version).

Se você está no Brasil, não deixe de conferir o preço especial do FBScanner na loja on-line da FireBase.

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#Lazarus (Free #pascal IDE) 0.9.28 has been released

vsnijders just announced version 0.9.28 of Lazarus on freshmeat.net.

The major changes are as follows:

In this major release, the IDE has many source editor improvements like display
of “double width” fonts (such as Eastern, Japanese, Chinese, and Arabic), better
code folding, highlighting, syncro editing, and persistent blocks. The debugger
has assembler windows, easier exception handling, and breakpoint properties. The
LCL now uses GTK2 as the default widgetset on Linux and BSD and includes the
TMonitor class for multi-monitor support. Refactoring of LCL reduced the minimum
size of executables by about 15%. The support of TFrame support has improved, so
you can visually nest designers in the IDE.

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ERP Alternative uses Firebird

DBA Software Inc., a leading provider of manufacturing (MRP) solutions for small business, announced that its decision two years ago to base its flagship product, DBA Manufacturing Next-Generation, on the Firebird™ open-source SQL database has been an unqualified success.

MySQL gets all the publicity when it comes to open-source databases,” said Michael Hart, President of DBA Software, “but based on our experience, Firebird deserves a share of the limelight. MySQL is great for the Internet, but Firebird is perfectly suited for software applications such as our manufacturing package. It has a small footprint, is easy to install, requires no administration, and is fast, stable, and secure.”

Read more.

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TPC-R results on Intel quad core

Tsutomu Hayashi did some benchmarks and here are the results with the time in seconds
Intel Core2Quad 9550 with 4G Memory Firebird Protocol: LocalConnection
All Firebird is defalt settings FB-2.1.2 is very slow, FB-2.5 is fastest.

DBcreation (Seconds – Lower is Better)
FirebirdSS-1.5.5 3007
FirebirdSS-2.1.2 1651
FirebirdSS-2.5Beta2 1289


TPC-R (Seconds – Lower is Better)
FirebirdSS-1.5.5 621
FirebirdSS-2.1.2 2748
FirebirdSS-2.5Beta2 526


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#Debian gives #FreeBSD some love becomes official part of the distro – Firebird port included

Firebird does have official ports for debian kFreeBSD and maybe it’s easier to use FreeBSD kernel from an Debian/Ubuntu background (apt-get)

News via tuxradar

Upcoming release of Debian, codenamed Squeeze, will be available in a juicy new FreeBSD flavour alongside the regular Linux version. Well, Debian GNU/kFreeBSD has been around for a while, but now it will be an official part of the distro, combining the titanium-strength FreeBSD kernel with the GNU C library

What is left to be done on the porting front ? maybe fixing the building on avr, hurd and m68k (sh4 is already done) but these are not yet official debian ports.

Also alpha cpu support seems to be dropped from debian release archiectures so no porting effort is needed

I took one list from 2007 and you can compare where we are now

Already ported:
s390 = IBM/S390
superH (sh4)

Need to be ported:
alpha is dead

So you can install firebird on the phone (maemo is arm debian linux) or on the mainframe linux (ibm s390)

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