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Compiling Linux UDFs on MSVC++

A guide for those who use Delphi to build UDFs and one day just need to use or make modifications on UDFs in “C”.

By Marcelo Martenetz / Curitiba-PR / BRAZIL


  • Case study: rFunc on windows with Visual C++
  • ANNEX I: About recompilation of rFunc version on Linux
  • ANNEX II: About uuid’s fn_CreateGUID / CreateGUID

Case study: rFunc on windows with Visual C + +

You need a minimum knowledge of “C” for better understanding  this article.

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Database Workbench 3.4.1 released

Ladies, gentlemen,

Upscene Productions is proud to announce the next version of the popular database development tool: Database Workbench Pro 3.4.1, this version mostly includes bugfixes.

There’s a Pro Edition and 3 FREE Lite Editions available (MySQL, Firebird & InterBase).

For all changes in 3.4.1, click here

Changes Highlights in 3.4
– NexusDB v3 support
– Extended Firebird 2.1 support
– New diagramming related features and enhancements
– Many enhancements and bug fixes…

Download a trial at: http://www.upscene.com/download.php
Full list of features and fixes: click here

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