Interview with Alex Peshkov

This interview was done by Carlos Henrique Cantu, with Alex Peshkov (from the Firebird Core Development Team), specially for FirebirdNews.

1) Please let us know a bit about you: where do you live, hobbies, married, sons, style of music, preferred drink, etc.

Alex Peshkov

I live in Yarsolavl (Russia), it’s 250 km to the north from Moscow, on the bank of Volga river. Married, have two children. And two dogs – this is first hobby:) Another one is my garden where I like to spend summer time. What about style of music… 20 years ago I could answer definitely – hard rock, currently I almost do not listen to any music. Even my computer has no speakers at all. Preferred drink – I like almost any drinks, provided it’s high enough quality. But if I need to choose one – OK, it’s beer. I’m 46 years old.

2) How did you find Firebird, and how did you become a FB Core Team member?

Infosystems ltd., the company, where I’ve used to work in year 2K was choosing SQL server to use. InterBase looked OK from most POVs, but it did not have dynamic SQL statements in triggers/procedures, which was a strong requirement.

When IB6 sources were published, I’ve added that support – minimal, only EXECUTE VARCHAR ‘some SQL statement’, without ability to return values and pass parameters, but even it was enough that time. This form (instead of current EXECUTE STATEMENT) was chosen to avoid adding new tokens in DSQL parser. I’ve sent changes to some site in InterBase ring, and after a month or two of silence decided that it was ignored.

But approximately one year after that I’ve received a letter from Dmitry Emanov with suggestion to join firebird project. Next (it was last 1.5 release time) I’ve got a suggestion to perform security review of firebird. Certainly there were also a lot of generic bug fixes. When 2.0 was started, I was one core FB developers.

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Broadview Software Upgrades to Platinum

From Firebird Foundation blog:

Broadview Software, of Toronto, Canada, upgrades its sponsorship from Gold to Platinum. Thanks to Sean Leyne and the Broadview management, which also provides hosting for all of the Firebird Project’s Internet web, Tracker, database, mail and list services.

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Pictures from geekmeet #2 in Targu Mures (Romania)

Here are some pictures from local geek community meeting (I’ve got them today and i remembered about it )
It was presented in July :The Firebird + Nginx + CakePhp solution at
geekmeet #2 from Targu Mures also talked on howto start coding an simple Firebird CakePhp application.

In December we have another geek meeting  #3 and i will present django and firebird

ps: also i have some pictures from Romanian floss/beer camp and eliberatica but i will do an review later

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#Django firebird driver project news

Hello everyone, I want to make a summary of the changes implemented in
recent times about the project django-firebird:

    * More complete exception error messeges (ported from pre-django 1.0
    * Added a new attribute to obtain the version of Firebird. Useful to
    ensure compatibility with firebird 1.5 and 2.x
    * Implemented the proper support for data conversion. (Issue 8)
    * Fixed bug on with_limits parameter on FirebirdQuery.as_sql. (Issue 9)
    * Fixed bug on autoinc implementation (Issue 3)
    * CHAR is mapped to CharField now (formerly TextField) – (Issue 6)
    * NUMERIC/DECIMAL are mapped to DecimalField now (formerly Integer) –
    (Issue 6)
    * Correct interpretation of RDB$FIELD_SCALE for NUMERIC/DECIMAL fields –
    (Issue 6)
    * Correct consideration of is_null behaviour at field level – (Issue 6)
    * Correct FOREIGN KEY evaluation in get_relations() – (Issue 6)
    * Support for UNIQUE indices for UNIQUE – (Issue 6)
    * Clean and better source code organization.

Remember, this software is still in alpha version, use it at your own risk.

Feel free to try and make any comments on this subject.
We need to add more experience with django and firebird to resolve some
issues. Any help will be apreciated.



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Firebird in OSDB Magazine

The next issue of Open Source Database Magazine is now available. This information-packed issue has over 60 pages of information including:

  • Firebird’s Road Trip and What’s New with 2.5
  • Coding Corner: Trees – Where’s the Performance?
  • PostgreSQL’s tsvector: Secret Sauce for Search Engines
  • The Lab: The XtraBackup Program for MySQL – Part Two
  • Drizzle – A Lightweight Database for the Web
  • Kontrollbase: Enterprise grade MySQL monitoring and analytics
  • Creating a Twitter Mashup with MongoDB
  • Introducing LucidDB

Read more.

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