I have updated the #django and firebird install guide on #ubuntu

I’m impressed about the new django-firebird driver from svn.No more patching needed for the first 5 chapters in the django book.
Now i’m at chapter 6 from django book and all worked without issues until now.
So i have updated django+firebird post and examples from the book are tested with django 1.1.1 and firebird-django from svn
Maxi Robaina wrote on the new firebird-django-dev list when i told him about my positive impressions:

There is certainly plenty to do and still improve much

I will integrate django with firebirdsql.ro: content administration and blogs/news.

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Firebird SQL and Web Traffic Analysis with Delphi

Whether you want to learn how to efficiently import data into Firebird, or you wonder if it is worth upgrading to Delphi 2010 for “routine” tasks, this article will give you some food for thought.

In particular, this article explores the use of Delphi and the open-source relational database system named “Firebird SQL” to load and analyze web traffic logs. Along the way, the size and performance of EXEs compiled with Delphi 7 versus Delphi 2010 are compared, plus the speed of Firebird 1.5 versus Firebird 2.1 and four common Firebird data access components are measured.

Read full article here.

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