Vote for Firebird

StackOverflow will publish ads for free (only for Open Source projects.) I have made an image for Firebird but lacked rights/points to upload it. Douglas uploaded it, but we need more votes to put the spotlight over our bird. If you have an account in StackOverflow with at last 15 reputation points, please, vote now.


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FSQL 1.8.2 released

Some changes in the latest version (FSQL v1.8.2, 2009-12-10):

bugfixes: RESTORE command, SHOW INDEX command, SHOW PROC command, executing DDL with AUTODDL OFF
some minor improvements and bugfixes that I do not remember 🙂
support for FB2.5
new commands NBACKUP, NRESTORE
commands for managing users via services API now prepended with SVC_MGR, to distinguish them from built-in FB commands.

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Firebirdsql – Web Server is up, but….

Thanks to the progressive death of the NAS server from which all our Internet facilities are served, we lost everything – Tracker, website, Wiki, Windows snapshots and news mirrors – piece-by-piece over the past days.

By gargantuan effort, Sean Leyne and his colleagues at Broadview have been reconstructing our infrastructure from scratch. The main website is up but some pieces, such as Windows snapshots, are still missing.  Windows snapshots should be available some time today.

The other servers are more challenging, requiring radical reconstruction using new versions of underlying software, and will take time.

For now, if you find broken links (other than those to our other servers) then please feel free to inform us via a message to this list.

More info as it comes to light.


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A sample of useful Firebird stored procedure script

This stored procedures script will display a report of what are the items the customer purchase within the given period of time.

One of the things I like with Firebird is their stored procedure features. In my experience with MSSQL and MySQL5 doing stored procedure has been easier with Firebird and yet powerful. I fell in love with it and making stored procedure as my usual solution for data manipulation.

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Firebird client library to the Lua language


I’d like to announce the first public release of fbclient, a binding of the Firebird client library to the Lua language, that is, a collection of pure Lua modules that allows you to connect and execute queries against the Firebird Relational Database.

Project website:

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Yeah, we don’t have such worries!

From Monty (MySQL original author) blog:

As I already blogged before, a fork is not enough to keep MySQL alive for all future, if Oracle, as the copyright holder of MySQL, would at any point decide that they should kill MySQL or make parts of MySQL closed source.

Firebird is trully *open* (in all aspects). Nobody owns Firebird, nobody can buy it, nobody can close its sources, nobody can charge for it! So, if you are using Firebird, you don’t need to have such worries.

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