Firebird Articles/Documentation Contest

New MindTheBird contest: FB 2.5 features documentation contest

Write articles/documentation about any of the new Firebird 2.5 features and you can win a prize of USD 500 (1st place) or USD 200 (honourable mention prizes).


  • Article format should be Word (doc/docx), Open Office or RTF.
  • It must contain minimum of 2.000 words.
  • It must be clear and easy to understand, and if possible, contain practical examples of code using the feature subject of the article.
  • It must be written in English (not generated by automated translation, please).
  • All the submitted articles needs to be licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License (cc by).
  • All articles will be published at MindTheBird site and at

Deadline for articles is April 16, 2010. Contest will be judged by Firebird Core developers: Dmitry Yemanov, Vlad Khorsun and Alex Peshkoff.

The authors of the best articles will get money as a prize (needs to have account in PayPal to receive the money).

Materials should be sent to

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Attention contest participants!

Some authors submitted a grayscale image as the B/W version of the artwork. If you are one of them, please send a corrected version (B/W = black and white, only two colors, no grayscale) until tomorrow (15/March – 23:59 GMT) or the artwork (together with its full color pair) will be excluded from the contest.

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Monday is the last day to submit your artwork

If you plan to participate in our FB 10th anniversary logo contest, you need to hurry up, since Monday (15/March) is the last day we will be accepting submissions. Artworks received after 23:59 (GMT) will not enter in the contest.

The voting to elect the best artwork will be done in two steps. In the first step, we will select the five best ranked artworks. In the second step, people will have to choose the best artwork among that five. The author of the winner artwork will receive the prize of USD 500!

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