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New FireBase responsive site

This is only for Portuguese speakers:

O novo site da FireBase entrou no ar essa semana! Totalmente responsivo, com visual moderno e novo logotipo, oferece uma experiência muito melhor para os visitantes usando celulares ou tablets.

Aproveitamos a oportunidade para passar um pente fino nos downloads, removendo os links inválidos.

Acessem o nov site e confiram, e caso ainda não esteja cadastrado, faça seu cadastro e marque a opção para receber nosso newsletter bimestral.

Carlos H. Cantu
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Released: Migration Guide to Firebird 4 (English version)

Migration Guide to Firebird 4

The English version of the Migration Guide to Firebird 4 eBook is now available to everyone who wants to save time and have a smoother migration from an older Firebird version to Firebird 4.

The Guide has 206 pages, and cover several topics including features introduced in Firebird 4, like Time zones, Read Committed Read Consistency isolation, Replication, Decfloat, etc. The eBook is now available in PDF format. A printed version will be made available in Amazon in the near future.

Initially available only in Portuguese, it is the result of a successfull crowdfunding campaign in Brazil, with the participation of +300 people.

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Jaybird 4.0.4 released

Jaybird 4.0.4 has been released.

The following has been changed or fixed since Jaybird 4.0.3:

  • Fixed: ResultSet.updateRow() sets fields to null in result set only (jaybird#37)
  • New feature: Support for NBackup GUID-based backup and in-place restore (jaybird#672)
  • Fixed: Logic error could lead to incorrect logging of “Specified statement was not created by this connection” (jaybird#674)
  • Changed: Updated Firebird 4.0 reserved words based on (jaybird#597)
  • Fixed: Protocol 15 and 16 had same priority, so Firebird 4.0 might select protocol 15, leading to timeout support not available. (jaybird#676)

Jaybird 4.0.4

Jaybird 4 supports Firebird 2.5 and higher, on Java 7, 8, 11 and 17 (support for Java 17 using the Java 11 version of the driver).

See also:

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Migration Guide to FB 4, in English?

I’m happy to announce that the English version of my newest book, Migration Guide to Firebird 4, will be released in the upcoming weeks. The eBook is already being proofread!

As it already happens with the Migration Guide to FB 3, people will be able to buy the eBook here at FirebirdNews.org and the paper version at Amazon.

Stay tuned to FirebirdNews to be informed when the book is out.

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