Firebird 3.0.8 Docker image is released
Firebird 3.0.8 Docker image is released and the following tags can be used : 3.0, v3.0, v3.0.8 .
Firebird 3.0.8 Docker image is released and the following tags can be used : 3.0, v3.0, v3.0.8 .
Firebird Project is happy to announce general availability of Firebird 3.0.8 — the latest point release in the Firebird 3.0 series.
This sub-release offers many bug fixes and also adds a few improvements, please refer to the Release Notes for the full list of changes.
Binary kits for Windows, Linux, Mac OS and Android platforms are immediately available for download.
Hello Everyone!
64-bit Visual Studio 2022 is out today!
We couldn’t stay away from this epic release of Visual Studio and happy to provide support for this IDE from our components.
LCPI ADO.NET Provider for OLE DB v1.25.1
This release contains new DDEX providers for Visual Studio 2022.
We ported all DDEX providers, which were created for VS2019 and FW4.5.0/4.6.2/4.7.2/4.8.0, .NET Standard 2.0.
Moreover, we added DDEX provider for FW3.5.
All DDEX providers packaged into VSIX installers and automatically registering in VS2022.
Just remind, previous releases added the ADO.NET provider for NET6, which supports new system data types: DateOnly and TimeOnly.
IBProvider v5.24 and «LCPI OLE DB Services» v1.20
These releases added vc17 assemblies, compiled by a new studio C++ compiler.
Read more:
KR, IBProvider Team.
Firebird Foreign Data Wrapper firebird_fdw is now available as version 1.2.2 with minor bugfixes and improvements and PostgreSQL 14 support.
Firebird GitHub Action sets up a Firebird database running on a docker container. Default container is now based on Firebird 4 docker image.
Julia Firebird Driver version 0.2.1 released with a few Firebird 4 features and fixes
Add ChaCha20 wire encryption algoritm
Accept protocol version 16 (The wire protocol version for the Firebird 4.0 API is 16.)
MWA Software is pleased to announce the release of version 2.4.3 of IBX for Lazarus. This version rolls together recent bug fixes and is also necessary for compilation with the fixes3_2 branch of the Free Pascal Compiler. The latest FPC fixes branch has added additional elements to TFieldType. Earlier versions of IBX will not compile with this update to TFieldType. You must upgrade to IBX 2.4.3 in order to use the latest version of FPC.
IBX 2.4.3 and the underlying Firebird Pascal API now include support for Firebird scrollable cursors. However, due to a limitation in Firebird (there is no wire protocol implementation for scrollable cursors) this feature is only available for local database connections.
It is available for download from
Erlang Firebird client library : efirebirdsql 0.8.1 is released with Firebird 4 changes:
Add ChaCha20 wire encryption algoritm
Accept protocol version 16 (The wire protocol version for the Firebird 4.0 API is 16.)
Golang Firebird Driver version 0.9.3 released with a few Firebird 4 features and fixes :
Add ChaCha20 wire encryption algoritm
Accept protocol version 16 (The wire protocol version for the Firebird 4.0 API is 16.)
You can install it with go get
PyFirebirdSql 1.2.1 is released with following Firebird4 changes:
Add ChaCha20 wire encryption algoritm
Accept protocol version 16 (The wire protocol version for the Firebird 4.0 API is 16.)