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Running commands on Firebird in background and canceling

The soon to be released Firebird 2.5 has a new ability to cancel running command (or any operation currently being processed by server) via API (in 2.1 you can do it via monitoring tables). This is a nice feature, interesting not only for database administration tools.

I was working on supporting it for a while in .NET provider, but I’m happy to say that it’s done (though I may tune the boundaries based on feedback).

read more…

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Database Workbench 3.4.4 released

Upscene Productions is proud to announce the next
version of the popular database development tools:

” Database Workbench 3.4.4 ”

This release includes the Pro and Lite Editions.

Order now and get a 25% discount AND version 4.0
for free, available later this month. Use coupon
code ” DBW3X ” when ordering.

For more information on Database Workbench, click here.

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Firebird PHP Generator 10.3 released

Firebird PHP Generator SQL Maestro Group is happy to announce the release of Firebird PHP Generator 10.3, a frontend to generate high-quality Firebird PHP scripts for the selected tables, views and queries for the further working with these objects through the web. The software comes in both Freeware and Professional editions.

New release introduces autocomplete and WYSIWYG editors, nested master-detail presentations, support for right-to-left languages, project-level events and a lot of other new features. There are also versions for other DBMS (MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle, etc).

Read full press-release.

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Stored Procedures contest, with prizes!

From MindTheBird people:

Hello All,

Are you true master in Firebird SQL? Participate in Stored Procedures contest and win valuable prizes!

Participants should submit stored procedure in pure Firebid SQL and embedded functions (SDF) only which performs some common task(s) – virtually anything any useful tasks.

It can be implementations of some mathematics transformations, or transforming numeric representation of number into words (like input = 21, output = “twenty one”), or anything that demonstrates the power and flexibility of Firebird stored procedures.

We’ll choose the most powerful and interesting stored procedures.
There will be 3 winners, each of them will receive tool by his choice
from the pool of prizes from MindTheBird sponsors:

All procedures should be submited under Creative Commons or Mozilla Public License or Apache License. Submitter must be the author of the procedure.

All procedures with short description and reference to the author will be published at www.mindthebird.com

Please submit demo SQL scripts with stored procedures’ texts to sp at mindthebird.com or right here in the group. Please notice that demo SQL script should work out-of-the-box to create necessary objects and demonstrate the value of procedure.

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