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ReportsMaestro – web report/chart builder for Firebird

ReportsMaestro builds highly customizable, real-time charts and reports for Firebird databases in just a few minutes. Select from multiple chart and report types and create and share your own interactive dashboards on the web.

Features include:

  • Installs on any ASP or PHP-enabled web server
  • Generates reports based on a table or query
  • Generates multi-table reports
  • Unlimited number of reports of charts
  • Manage users and user access permissions
  • Private/public charts and reports
  • Ability to export report data to Word and Excel
  • Multiple grouping levels and intervals
  • Multiple report layouts and chart types
  • Supports custom headers and footers
  • Includes visual report style editor – customize your reports
  • Print/export current or all pages
  • Takes five minutes to install on your server

More info: http://www.reportsmaestro.com

Online demo: http://www.reportsmaestro.com/demo

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IBSurgeon at FDD

From IBSurgeon blog:

7th Firebird Developers Days: Visit IBSurgeon’s presentations

17th of July, Piracicaba, Brazil: The 7th Firebird Developers Day will take place in the UNIMEP university theatre. This is undoubtedly the biggest worlwide event devoted to Firebird – more that 600 people, dozen of speakers and lot of interest.
As you may knows, Brazil is the N1 country in terms of number of Firebird users (following with Germany, Russia and USA), and Firebird is the number 1 database in Brazil too.
This will be 4th time IBSurgeon sponsors and presents at FDD. This year Dmitry Kuzmenko will speak about big Firebird databases (you may remember that recently we did test with 1Terabyte Firebird database) and about speed of test restores.
Also at this event IBSurgeon will announce some serious changes in licensing policy, intended to encourage people to treat Firebird databases in more careful way.
We will follow the results of conference and post updates here.

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New release of Database Master 2.0 for Firebird

Database Master 2.0 for FireBird has been released. The new version  includes new great featureas, enhancements and some bug fixes.  Database Master also supports Oracle, SQLServer, MySQL, PostgreSQL,  SQLite, MongoDB, XML File, ODBC and OleDB connections.

What is new:

  • MongoDB support: Open Source and Document based database system is  supported now.
  • XML File support: You can add an Xml file as a relational database  and execute SQL queries.
  • Search Engine: You can search any data in your database without  writing any SQL query.
  • New reporting system is implemented.
  • XML Import: You can import your xml file into a database table.
  • New Export File Formats: Word 2007, Excel 2007, OpenOffice, PNG,  XPS, RTF, dBase formats are supported now.
  • Code Factory: You can genarate (C#,Java etc.) code from your database.
  • SQL Script Export: You can export View and Procedure structure now.
  • Templates and Snippets: Database Master supports now SQL tempaltes  and snippets.
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AnySQL Maestro SQL Maestro Group announces the release of AnySQL Maestro 10.7, a powerful tool to manage any database engine accessible via ODBC driver or OLE DB provider (Access, SQL Server, Firebird, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc).

    This version features database profile management extensions, updated Script Runner, improved Data Analysis and Data Import tools, and some other useful things.

      AnySQL Maestro 10.7 has been successfully tested with Firebird ODBC drivers 1.xy and 2.0 RC1 and all the latest Firebird server versions up to 2.1.3 and 2.5 RC 2.

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      Avoid using rand() in where clauses

      I was working today, building a procedure to populate some tables and do some data updates and deletes, for speed testing for one of my FDD sessions.

      I decided to use the built-in rand() function of Firebird 2.x in the where clause of updates and deletes, but found out that the execution time was tooking too long to complete. Looking at statistics, it showed weird numbers for Indexed Reads, like, the updates of 5 records generating 80.000 indexed reads in the Primary Key index.

      After some debugging, I just found out that rand() was the guilt! I moved it outside the update/delete statement, storing the result in a variable, and using the variable in the where clause. It worked million times faster!

      So, moral of history: Don’t use rand() in the where clause of updates and deletes statements. And yep, I know this is quite unusual use 😉

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      IDEMA – Are you ready?

      SAN JOSE, Calif., June 29, 2010 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ — IDEMA (The International Disk Drive Equipment and Materials Association) today announced the launch of the “Are You Ready?” campaign, an effort to raise awareness in the computer industry about the advances and advantages of long data sectors. IDEMA is the data-storage industry’s trade association dedicated to driving technology standards that support the advancement of data storage. The campaign focuses on helping the computer industry prepare for the transition of hard disk drive (HDD) processing from the historical sector lengths of 512 to 520 byte increments, to increments of 4,096 bytes per sector using a technology referred to as Advanced Format. IDEMA is joined by major hard disk drive manufacturers in the launch and support of the “Are You Ready?” effort.

      Read full history here.

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