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Little helper library for writing #UDFs for Firebird in #Lua

Helper C library for writing UDFs for Firebird in Lua (as well as a small collection of useful UDFs). The Firebird UDF interface would hopefully be obsoleted in Firebird v3.0 and replaced with the new External Engine API. Until then, I hope you find this little library helpful. Any feedback is welcome and appreciated.


For tips on how to write UDFs for Firebird yourself, read UdfWritingTips.

PS: If writing UDFs in Lua seems overkill, checkout the other UDF library written in freepascal.

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Firebird to be included in #Mageia : a new GNU #Linux distribution based on #Mandriva Ashes

Firebird history and Mageia story are related to each other  , here are the Philippe’s kind words

A new GNU Linux distribution is born : Mageia, a Mandriva Linux fork.

So why speak about this here ?

First, Firebird packages need a maintainer and as I am the one in Mandriva, I will do the same in Mageia

Second, this story remind me a little the Firebird story

Third I’m enthusiast to contribute (may be more than only Firebird related packages) to a such challenging adventure, and in this one, there are people that I really trust.

Long live Mageia : http://www.mageia.org/

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Artur Anjos will be with Paulo Gaspar presenting The Firebird #Database talk at #codebits2010

please retweet this message

and here are the full  details of the talk  very impressive :The Firebird Database: simple, free and powerful


Artur Anjos, a Firebird Project member, finally registered himself on Codebits in order to share this presentation.
Artur is with Firebird almost since the project started and has more than 8 years of production experience with it.

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gbak running in embedded mode

матрациThose who are new to the Classic version of Firebird on Linux may find interesting that, while running gbak to backup a database, accessing the DB file locally (not by tcp/ip, etc), you will not find a fb_inet_server proccess serving the gbak connection. This is because, in this specific situation, gbak works in embedded mode. Alex Peshkov says this provides the best performance results.

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Benchmark tool

Philippe Makowski posted this at fb-devel:


I found this bench : http://tokutek.com/products/iibench/


and aibench.py:

I made a Firebird version of both. You can download them here : http://www.firebirdsql.org/download/rabbits/pmakowski/

If you find them useful, I will put them in the svn QA repository

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