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Firebird Sql 2.5 for #Apple #MacOSX is out, Minimum supported version is 10.6 Snow Leopard

NOTE :: To make the new engine work properly under multi-threaded conditions we had to use Grand Central Dispatch, which was first released in MacOSX 10.6 (Snow Leopard). MacOSX users should be aware that Firebird 2.5 will run only on MacOSX 10.6 or higher versions. If you want to use an earlier version of OSX you will need to use an earlier version of Firebird.

Download from usual location :


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How to run SuperClassic on Linux

Firebird 2.5 brings a new architecture called SuperClassic. The official FB 2.5 Linux packages brings SuperClassic and Classic in the same package, and when you install it, Classic will be activated by default.

To be able to change to SuperClassic, you need to run the script changeMultiConnectMode.sh that is installed with FB 2.5.

You will be prompted with: “Which option would you like to choose: multi-(process|thread) [process]”

Answering thread will activate SuperClassic, while process will activate Classic mode.

PS: This is not documented in the Release Notes.

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