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Firebird 2.5 (final) released

Today the Firebird 2.5 is being released. You can read the press release and most importantly release notes. And sure, you can download it and use/test/deploy.

Congratulation to us, the Firebird Project, especially the core team. And also to you, users, I hope you’ll enjoy and like the new Firebird 2.5 version as we (I) do.

Note: The MindTheBird campaign team will run a webinar today at 13:00 GMT in anticipation of the launch of Firebird 2.5 Final Release. See the details.

I quoted  from Jiri blog

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ANN: Firebird Trace Manager 1.0.1 incl. Firebird 2.5 launch 25% discount

Upscene Productions is proud to announce Firebird Trace Manager 1.0.1.

This release adds support for Firebird 2.5 Final and minor
enhancements/bugfixes: http://www.upscene.com/displaynews.php?item=20101004

Firebird Trace Manager is currently the only tool available on the
market, which exposes the new Trace and Audit Services in Firebird 2.5
in a very user-friendly way. The following editions are available:

– Lite Edition (FREELY available)
– Standard Edition
– Enterprise Edition

More information is available in the Firebird Trace Manager section on
our website, including an edition comparison sheet, video introduction
etc.: http://www.upscene.com/go/?go=fbtm

We are celebrating the Firebird 2.5 launch event with a 25% DISCOUNT on
Firebird Trace Manager until October 10th, 2010. Simply use the
following coupon code in the purchase process: FBTMLAUNCH

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Converting a #MySQL database to Firebird Part1 (from Lamp to Flaps)

Milan Babuskov wrote on his blog about his first steps in moving one host from Mysql to Firebird

I have a heavy-used website powered by LAMP stack (CentOS Linux,
Apache 2, MySQL and PHP). It started on a shared hosting so I had to
use MySQL. Year and a half later, I switched shared, virtual hosting
and not run it on a dedicated server. I decided to try Firebird to see
how it performs and also how it compares to MySQL in RAM usage, disk
usage, etc.

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Firebird 2.5 will be released October 4, 2010

Firebird 2.5 release date is set to October 4, 2010.

Please join Philippe Makowski, President of Firebird Foundation, and Dmitry Yemanov, lead Firebird developer, at the Launch Webinar devoted to the 5th major release of Firebird. It will take place at October 4, 2010, at 13-00 GMT.

Link for Firebird 2.5 Webinar is

If you have any questions regarding Firebird 2.5, please feel free to contact us:  launch@mindthebird.com

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