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Delta Quadrant: Horizons

From Sergey Mereutsa (posted to fb-devel):

Dear friends!

While it is an offtopic here, but it may be interesting for all, who is in any form involved in Firebird development.

Several years ago, we announced a web-based game, written in Firebird SQL. It was DQ:Empires and a lot of peoples around the world played this game.

Now, I`m pleased to announce next game, in the same game universe, but slightly other – Delta Quadrant: Horizons, a web-based space 4X strategy.

I will not write much details here about the game (someone compared it with online version of Masters of Orion game, but it is not MOO2 clone) – you can read more on game`s site, http://www.dqhorizons.com/ .

Some technical details:

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Do you use TIME and TIMESTAMP in your applications? The new IBProvider version will further simplify your work!

Have you ever lost microseconds when working with the type TIME?
Definitely, if you have ever tried to use them. In the previous versions of IBProvider, time was stored in OLE DB structure of DBTYPE_DBTIME type that does not support fractions of a second.

In the new IBProvider version, time data types have been improved
. The new properties dbtime_rules and dbtimestamp_rules allow to set time storage not only in DBTIME/DBTIMESTAMP but also in WSTR and in the new type of MS SQL 2008 – DBTIME2 without losing milliseconds.

Please, read more and download new IBProvider Professional right now: Download Firebird OLE DB driver.

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#Ruby news : Firebird driver compilable on #rbx (rubinius) and full test passes on Linux (for the classic Ruby VM)

Here is the description of rubinius:

Rubinius is an implementation of the Ruby programming language.
The Rubinius bytecode virtual machine is written in C++, incorporating LLVM to compile bytecode to machine code at runtime. The bytecode compiler and vast majority of the core classes are written in pure Ruby.

Here are the rbx experiments done by Brent Rowland

fb now builds fine but won’t load due to missing rb_ary_freeze and rb_struct_new. #rbx


And yes the Linux tests for classic Ruby VM are all ok

Linux testing of the latest fb code went well. 32- and 64-bit Rubies

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Firebird 3.0 #Debian Preliminary packaging is available in #Experimental

This package is meant to enter experimental, due to the high pace of upstream
development. Its goal is to provide easy testing of the new features of
Firebird and to have early exposure of the packaging helping to discover any

firebird3.0 is the third group of packages for Firebird. Squeeze is going to
release with firebird2.1 and firebird2.5. The plan for wheezy is to drop
firebird2.1 and add firebird3.0, if that has proven stable by the time wheezy
approaches releasable state.

Preliminary packagiing is available at

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#Lua Firebird Driver : fbclient 0.5.0 is released

Cosmin Apreutesei wrote to to Lua, firebird-tools, LuaRocks mailing lists :

Good news everyone,

Firebird’s Lua binding v0.5.0 is out!

Quick changelog:

  • improved automated testing suite:
  • now testing against all 2.0-2.5 firebird and fbembed releases to date on win32 and linux32 (linux64 coming with the next version of alien)
  • server binary bundles including start/stop scripts are now available for download making it trivial to setup a testing environment
  • improved st:run()/st:fetch() handling based on statement type
  • added support for SQL_NULL type (fb 2.5+)
  • added at:sqlcode(), at:sqlstate(), at:sqlerrors(), at:errors(),at:full_status()
  • added at:start_transaction()
  • added st:row()
  • bug fixing, refactoring and documentation updates

Rockspeck and zip package here: http://code.google.com/p/fbclient/source/browse/

The next version will include a reflection module for metadata export
and schema comparison and synchronization between two databases.

Feedback welcome!

PS: Could someone please update the rockspec in the LR repo, thanks!

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