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New version of FreeAdhocUDF released

Today we uploaded a new version “adhoc 20101206″ of FreeAdhocUDF – the St.Nicholas edition.
There are some bugfixes, raise of exactness in some functions and 16 new functions (totally now 580!), among more UTF-8 versions of existing functions.

This is a recommended update. The most interesting new functions are
F_TZVALUETOUTC which shows the diff of local time to UTC in hours
F_LOCAL2UTC which converts the local server time to UTC
F_UTC2LOCAL which converts UTC to the local server time
Whith this new functions you can merge now easyly dates from different timezones into one database.

(Nearly) all functions are running in Windows and Linux, with InterBase and FireBird, with 32 and 64bit

FreeAdhocUDF is licenced under the LGPL and you can use it without costs also in commercial projects – see licence.
You can download it from ftp://ftp.FreeAdhocUDF.org/FreeAdhocUDF/
Documentation found at http://FreeAdhocUDF.org/index_eng.html
For all kind of questions and bug-reports use eMail help@freeadhocudf.org

adhoc dataservice / Christoph Theuring

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ANN: FB TraceManager V1.5.0 released!

Upscene Productions is proud to announce FB TraceManager 1.5.0.

The press release is available here:

A what’s new in V1.5 video is available here:

FB TraceManager currently is the only tool available on the market, which exposes the new Trace and Audit Services in Firebird 2.5 in a very user-friendly way. The following editions are available:

– Lite Edition (FREELY available)
– Standard Edition
– Enterprise Edition

More information is available in the FB TraceManager section on our website, including an edition comparison sheet, video introduction etc.:

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Firebird Case Studies

Hello All Firebirders!

Today we start very important activity  – building Firebird Case Studies catalog.


Case study is an example of real-world implementation of certain product.
Case study should be very specific and describe:

  1. Technical details (database size, # of users, transactions load),
  2. Type of business (ERP, hospital automations, CD catalogs, web-sites examples, etc) and
  3. Business value – license costs economy, performance increasing, etc.


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#ODBC Driver Project Lives Again with new Version 2.0 Release Candidate 2.

The Open Source Firebird (IBPhoenix) ODBC driver has been updated to Version 2.0 Release Candidate 2.

Alexander Potapchenko wrote on firebird-odbc list:

I resume development of the ODBC driver. The primary goal to finish ODBC
driver 2.0 (with full x64 support and fixed “blocker” level problems) now.
If you are having any problems with the current driver but have not
reported them because the sub-project wasn’t active, then to add them to
the Bag tracker now.

ps: if you don’t know what is the bag tracker 🙂 it’s Firebird Project’s bug tracker.

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Orphanage for #OpenSuse Linux packages

If there are any takers for building and maintaining the suse packages please do so , until then Firebird package is orphane

Philippe Makowski wrote:

As you may know, I’m the maintainer of Firebird packages in OpenSuse.
but I’m also doing the same for Fedora (including EPEL), Mandriva and
the future Mageia.

OpenSuse is not my preferred distro, for far, and even if they are all
rpm distro, following seriously a distro need some time, and when new
Firebird version is there you need some time to do the job the right
way. And I don’t have enough time for this.
So I will still maintain Mandriva, Mageia, Fedora but no longer OpenSuse
(will it be “open” for a long time I don’t know, and that’s another story)

So please OpenSuse and Firebird users, step in, I will help you if need.

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