Python Firebird-driver 1.4.3 released

The firebird-driver package provides official Python Database API 2.0-compliant driver. In addition to the minimal feature set of the standard Python DB API, this driver also exposes the new (interface-based) client API introduced in Firebird 3, and number of additional extensions and enhancements for convenient use of Firebird RDBMS. The driver is written as pure-Python package (requires Python 3.8+) on top of Firebird client library ( using ctypes. Driver supports Firebird version 3.0 and higher.

You can download this driver from PyPI or install it using pip.

See the Changelog for full details.

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Free “Migration Guide to FB 3” for Ukrainians

In support for the people of Ukraine, I’m offering free copies of my Migration Guide to Firebird 3 eBook. The offer is valid from 2 to 13, March.

If you are from Ukraine and want a copy of the eBook, e-mail me (livro [at] with your full name and your .ua e-mail. Only emails from Ukraine (.ua) will be accepted (no fake/temporary emails, please).

I really hope this war end as soon as possible to avoid more deaths and destruction! Please take care and try to stay safe!

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New version of RedExpert 2022.02 is available


  1. Edit object button
  2. Password request dialog if password is empty
  3. Ability to work with cursors in a procedure
  4. Downloading updates in the background


  1. Request for saving data when closing a dialog box
  2. Displaying tables on Firebird with version less than 2.5
  3. Generating a function creation request with EXTERNAL NAME
  4. Inability to set the order of the index fields
  5. Incorrect display of dependencies
  6. Wrong generated column edit query when using a domain
  7. Syntax highlighting in views
  8. Recognition of object names in queries if they are at the beginning of a string
  9. Error adding a record with IDENTITY field
  10. Autocomplete errors in queries with aliases
  11. Tab-indexing order on connection page
  12. Wrong error “TABLE is in use” on attempt to remove table
  13. Error opening browser in Linux
  14. Index is active by default when created
  15. Modified the update dialogs
  16. High CPU load after connect
  17. DDL command generation error due to case-sensitive identifiers
  18. Connecting to a database immediately after it is created
  19. Commit transactions after they have been used
  20. Re-executing an SQL script without mandatory commit/rollback after a previous run
  21. Option to set null for string parameters in the parameter dialogue

Download and install the new version.

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