#OT: I didn’t knew they sell firebird in six pack format
Best served when is cool and it will improve your SQL potential
Best served when is cool and it will improve your SQL potential
The Firebird development team is pleased to announce that a release candidate for Firebird 2.1.4 has been through QA and is available for testing. 64-bit and 32-bit kits are available for Linux, Windows and MacOSX.
Download link is http://www.firebirdsql.org/index.php?op=files&id=fb214_RC1
Enjoy and do please report problems back to the firebird-devel list, thank you!
Until the 11 February we are conducting a survey of interest regarding the next edition of Firebird Developers Day, intended only for persons wishing to attend the event. If you are one, be sure to take the survey!
There is another video on the Trace API and FB TraceManager available. This video discusses how to capture unauthorized access to data in Firebird 2.5.
It’s available HERE.
It was almost out of the oven, but a regression bug discovered in the last minute (and already fixed by now) delayed the release of FB 2.1.4 RC1. New binaries are being cooked right now, and you can expect the release to be public available in firebirdsql.org in the next days.
DBD::Firebird is registered in perl cpan’s module list and soon we will upload the first tar.gz release (when is considered stable enough)
Until then the module is hosted in github and can be used and tested :
Stefan has improved the Windows support also fixed many tests , here are some of the commit messages:
Improved support for MinGW, added support for ActivePerl, Removed some obsolete tests, All tests, now use testlib.pl and Test::More (except 60leaks.t)
Here are the notes on Installing node.js module for firebird and creating a simple http service derived from the module examples
I am trying to develop Firebird connection module for NodeJS (http://nodejs.org/).
I want to implement firebird events feature as it suits very well to NodeJS ideology.
And have some questions regarding events.
This is easily done with the new Firebird 2.5 Trace API in combination with Upscene’s FB TraceManager product.
A short demonstration video is available HERE.