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#AnyDAC Spring 2011 v 4.0.7 – #Delphi Components for Firebird, Interbase and more

DA-SOFT Technologies announces the availability of AnyDAC for Delphi Spring 2011 release v – high-speed, Universal Data Access Components for Firebird, Interbase, SQLite, MySQL, MS SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, MS Access, IBM DB2, Sybase SQL Anywhere, Informix, DbExpress, ODBC, that simplifies the task of building Embarcadero Delphi, C++Builder and Free Pascal Compiler database applications.

AnyDAC for Delphi can be immediately downloaded from the download page.

What is new in v4.0.7 and what is AnyDAC ?

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MySQL -> Firebird converter

From Milan Babuskov blog:

I decided to automate conversion of MySQL database to Firebird. I got tired of manual find&replace process, and created a small parser that changes from MySQL to Firebird syntax. Currently it only supports database structure dump (no data, only structure) from PHPMyAdmin. Not all datatypes are supported, but feel free to “fix” it. It’s written in PHP and it’s open source. It would be great if you would send back any modifications you make. Download it here (source code included).

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Firebird internals : Asyncronous System Trap

What is Asyncronous System Trap ? : This is similar to Unixes signal’s or OS interrupts.
Technically this is callbacks from Lock Manager into the Engine called when
somebody acquires lock at level not compatible with current level. In this case
all processes who owns the lock receives notification and should take appropriate
action to release lock (immediately or deferred-ASAP).

The main trick with AST’s handlers is that AST is send asynchronously and
handler must take care to work correctly. Since v2.5 all ATS handlers runs in
separate thread. Before v2.5 it works using signals on Unixes and threads on

PS the issue with old glibc and FB 2.5 is that since v2.5 we abandoned usage of old
System V semaphores (do you remember “semaphores are exhausted” error ? now
you can forget it completely) and start to use pthread mutexes. And old glibc have a
bugs in pthread mutex implementation.

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Extracting glibc info in #Linux to see if is greater or equal with 2.7

Related to previous announcement:If you are on ubuntu and your ubuntu release is greater than Hardy (8.04) you are safe , on other distributions you can determine this way the glibc version
You must run the /lib/libc.so.6 and it will return the glibc version
in the first row.
In ubuntu or any debian based distro

/lib/libc.so.6 | head -n 1
GNU C Library (Ubuntu EGLIBC 2.13-0ubuntu1) stable release version
2.13, by Roland McGrath et al.

in this case glibc is 2.13
and is builded from eglibc sources

another option is dpkg interrogation

dpkg -l libc6

on rpm based distros

rpm -q glibc

ps: other alternative ways

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