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Servers that don’t want to die Farewell NT4 server: you served us well for 13 years and now is the time to say goodbye

The full goodbye in tears story is on this blog

The server worked admirably as a file server and as a database server (Firebird) until a few months ago when the first Windows 7 machines started to arrive. Win7 had difficulty reading the files on the NT4 server and even more difficulty in creating files. With regret, we installed another computer (originally Win7 but swiftly downgraded to XP) which served as a file host; the NT4 kept on working as the Firebird server.

You’ve heard the story about the servers which stopped working every night? When the support team came to find out what had happened, they found that the janitor had unplugged the electricity cable in order to plug in his vacuum cleaner.
This story may be apocryphal but something similar happened this morning. The noise of the computer annoyed one of the psychologists who was sitting in the same room, so she unplugged the server!  Instant death of the databases! We tried resuscitating the server but it kept on showing ‘MBR fault’ – obviously the master boot record of the server had been damaged. I imagine that someone, somewhere will know how to fix this, but we need those databases up and running now.

I’ve got the databases running on a temporary computer, but I will have to transfer them to the XP server. I tried this a few months ago, and whilst I was able to run the databases, I couldn’t connect to them from the Win7 machines. Now I have no option but to try again.

Farewell NT4 server: you served us well for 13 years and now is the time to say goodbye.

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Creating access control into Lazarus + Firebird applications

This is a getting started article (written in Portuguese) from a series of articles related to Firebird and Lazarus
In the first part it’s explained how to install Lazarus and Firebird/Flamerobin on Ubuntu

I have been implementing the access control on my applications. It is a simple model, I have been “improving” since I started the program and always adapting to the new reality that has been presented. Not the last word on programming, but I believe it can be a good start for those who want to implement something from scratch.

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pyfirebirdsql will become the next Firebird Python driver

Philippe Makowski wrote on the firebird-python list
The driver is hosted on github https://github.com/nakagami/pyfirebirdsql

First thanks Hajime Nakagami for your job

I really thinks that we need to put our effort on this driver so it became the Firebird Python driver instead of Kinterbasdb
here few points I saw :

– need a change in setup.py so install work
– transactions parameter we need the possibility to send custom transaction parameter buffers, for what I saw today transactions are (isc_tpb_write, isc_tpb_wait, isc_tpb_read_committed, isc_tpb_rec_version)
– need documentation
– can we extend it or create a new module to work with trace api ?


ps after a small change in setup.py I will certainly package it for
Mageia and Fedora

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#Oracle vs HP #Unix on #Itanium , and how you can fight back using Firebird on that

Oracle is abandoning HP Itanium customers as usual (like they did with MySQL) and there is a mehod to fight Back : use an open source “oracle like” RDBMS engine : Firebird

Posted by Paul Beach:

For those who are curious, Firebird V2.5 builds just fine on Itanium HPUX (IA-64). See prefix.hpux_aCC and prefix.hpux_ia64 in the builds/posix directory. The only issue we have in providing such builds, is access to the relevant hardware/operating system to do a build, and bringing upto date the HPUX installer.

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