pyfirebirdsql 0.4.0 pure python driver released
pyfirebirdsql 0.4.0: pure python dbapi for firebird rdbms released new version with trace api added if you read in the commit log
pyfirebirdsql 0.4.0: pure python dbapi for firebird rdbms released new version with trace api added if you read in the commit log
There is a simple change which makes restores much faster, tested with Linux 2.5 embedded restore
Two databases, with two different tables filled with 2,000,000 records:
create table t1 (n1 integer);
create table t10 (n1 integer, n2 integer, n3 integer, …, n10 integer);
---------------------- Restore timings: T1: 14.5s T10: 20.5s Improved gbak timings: T1: 9.7s T10: 14.7s ----------------------
The good news is there is still room to improve the restore speeds , here is Adriano’s tweet:
I do have a slight different method, to insert 100K records in less than 1s over the same localhost method.
Also confirmed by the ending of the article:
PS: There is other restore improvement capable of take down time from
around 8.5s to 0.5s over TCP, but it still requires some analisys.
Flamerobin 0.9.3 revision 2092 binary snapshots for Debian and Ubuntu are ready to install and test Enjoy, and please be sure to report any bugs, regressions or suggestions on flamerobin-devel list.
New release implemented support for Firebird (contributed by Bernardo and Miroslav)
Please test it only on your own servers to discover injection flaws.
Sqlmap is an open source penetration testing tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws and taking
over of database servers.
new development snapshots of FlameRobin (SVN revision 2092) to the sourceforge download area
Right now for Windows only, 32 and 64 bit, both installer and ZIP packages.
Debian Package is ready in experimental area
Update: There is a known error and new snapshot will be done on Monday in svn is already fixed in revision 2092
Finally! More photos of the 2010 FBCon. View Björn’s gallery on the Firebird Conference website.
Via ibExpert tweet
SQLObject is a popular Object Relational Manager for providing an object interface to your database, with tables as classes, rows as instances, and columns as attributes.
SQLObject includes a Python-object-based query language that makes SQL more abstract, and provides substantial database independence for applications.
FirebirdSQL page at Facebook – join now
dbExpress Driver for Firebird version 32 has released. Here are the fix:
4.1.2011.32 Release on 06 Apr 2011
Download here.
Alexander Potapchenko is happy to announce that he has released the v.2.0 ODBC/JDBC driver for Firebird. Access the What’s New document, sources and binaries for Windows and Linux 32-bit and 64-bit HERE
ps:don’t confuse it with Java jaybird driver this one is the ODBC driver but in the cvs tree is called ODBCJDBC