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Send your testimonial!

Hello All,

There is “Testimonials” section at the test version of new FirebirdSQL site http://www.firebirdtest.com/en/testimonials/

Please devote 5 minutes of your time and write testimonial  – i.e., your
impression about Firebird. Nothing special, just several words about Firebird experience or, even  simpler – short description and link to the enterprise which uses Firebird.

Testimonials are important to demonstrate number of Firebird users and their satisfaction.

After new web-site launch all valid testimonials from the test site will
be moved to production version.

Alexey Kovyazin

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Firebird used at Benguet State University

Inline with our department’s ideologies to use open source systems, I am now using Lazarus as my front end and Firebird as my backend. It’s almost 2 year that i’ve been using firebird (started by ver 2.1.2) and i really find it a great database. I just started with Lazarus and so far, im already getting the hang of it!

Read more on the blog

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Change made to make Faster restores with gbak

There is a simple change which makes restores much faster, tested with Linux 2.5 embedded restore
Two databases, with two different tables filled with 2,000,000 records:
create table t1 (n1 integer);
create table t10 (n1 integer, n2 integer, n3 integer, …, n10 integer);

Restore timings:
T1: 14.5s
T10: 20.5s

Improved gbak timings:
T1: 9.7s
T10: 14.7s

The good news is there is still room to improve the restore speeds , here is Adriano’s tweet:

I do have a slight different method, to insert 100K records in less than 1s over the same localhost method.

Also confirmed by the ending of the article:

PS: There is other restore improvement capable of take down time from
around 8.5s to 0.5s over TCP, but it still requires some analisys.

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