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Some thoughts on denormalization

Jiri wrote his thoughts on howto apply list function to create denormalized view of data
From time to time I have an idea for helpful project I could do to help myself or people around me to finish some task faster/easier. And, of course, it often involves database. And though I’m a strong believer in normalization (3NF is must), at least during initial design, sometimes I see this project being partly simple and partly I want it done in no time (because I’m doing it in my own spare time) I think about storing data denormalized and doing the work in application.

Design it normalized, because it’s what you should do. But then you can create a simple view where you use some kind of “LIST” function (i.e. Firebird has exactly that named one). This view will create you denormalized form of data. With a small help from triggers you can also update that view hence underlying data (left as an exercise for reader).

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Firebird on Linux and ICU > 4.2


there was a bug in Firebird that did not handle well icu > 4.2 see (http://tracker.firebirdsql.org/browse/CORE-3447)

2.1.4 and 2.5.0 packages in distributions were affected (Debian, Fedora, Mandriva, Mageia) because they are using icu 4.4

Adriano fixed it and in these various distro updates are on the way

I know that some of you are using Centos 5.
The problem with Centos 5, is that you can’t have Firebird 2.5 from EPEL
repository. Centos 6 will give you the possibility to have Firebird 2.5 from EPEL6 repository, but seems that Centos6 take a long time to come.

You can try to use Scientific Linux instead (http://www.scientificlinux.org)
As Centos, the base SL distribution is basically Enterprise Linux
(RHEL), recompiled from source, and Scientific Linux 6.0 was released on
March 3, 2011

Philippe Makowski

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Firebird used in Citrix EdgeSight Database Agent Server

Quote from the Citrix blog also here is one KB article about Firebird configuration , of course there are more :
“I usually don’t get too excited about the release of a KB article, but this one took quite a bit of time and I’m very pleased we got this critical info back out there. If you’ve ever tried to implement EdgeSight or AppStreaming without excluding the Firebird database or RadeCache folders, you know how important these guidelines are.”

If you don’t know who Citrix is there is always wikipedia to help

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