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Amazon’s EC2 Micro Instance and Firebird

Jiří Činčura Blogged about his impression on Amazon’s microinstance :

Few months ago I was playing with different VPS providers and I was also considering deploying the application to some “small instance” cloud. I came to Micro Instance of Amazon EC2. Part of the solution I was doing research for is Firebird database and because the pricing looks good, I tried to install Firebird (2.5 SuperClassic) on this instance.

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TURBU – The Ultimate Rpg BUilder is switching to Firebird as storage mechanism

From the about box :

TURBU is an RPG-building engine currently under development. It is being written by Mason Wheeler, and will be able to create and edit RPGs with a wide variety of customizable options, including importing existing project from RPG Maker 2000 and 2003.

And here is the blog post and the message With several advantages listed

I’ve added a bunch of new Event Builder editors, plus music-playing capabilities, but probably the biggest change is to the project database. I’m changing the storage mechanism from the old, built-in file format to a Firebird database.

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New Flamerobin snapshot revision 2105 in #debian unstable

You can download and install the package directly from debian sid (tested and works on ubuntu natty too )
-New upstream SVN snapshot : revision 2105
-If main window close event can be vetoed then loop through all other BaseFrame instances and check whether they veto the closing (check for open transactions, unsaved changes to files, active background work and so on). Replaces the previous confirmation dialog that was always shown.
-Store last selected authentication mode for database creation as selection index of the choice control instead of string selection because the entries are translatable strings
-Correct value of ExecuteSqlFrame status bar pane with database connection info restored
-LogTextControl modified to be read-only, custom context menu implemented for selecting, copying and clearing the content
-Regression fixed: parameter data type weren’t shown in procedure property pages any more

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pyfirebirdsql 0.4.1 – pure python driver released

pyfirebirdsql 0.4.1: pure python dbapi for firebird rdbms released new version  with these changes:
-Python 2.5 support
-connect() dsn can set port number. ex) dsn=’example.com/3050:foo.fdb’
You read in the full commit log
Hajime Nakagami commented on firebird-python:

The most important reason to supoort Python2.5 is “Jython”.
Now 0.4.1 work on CPython 2.5+(include 3.x), IronPython and Jython.

I have never test on PyPy

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Shared Page Cache is coming

One of the biggest tasks for the long-awaited Firebird 3.0 release is the Shared Page Cache feature. With this feature, Firebird will finally be able to fully benefit of SMP machines without having to work with individual cache for every connection.

Vlad Khorsun had been busy working on this, and judging by recent commits to SoundForge, the task is almost finished. Part of the code came from Vulcan. He hopes that people will help doing lots of tests when the first alpha release appears.

Note: Up to now, Shared Cache was only available in the SuperServer model, but SS is not optimized for SMP.

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