ANN: IBX for Lazarus and Firebird – Call for Testers

MWA Software is pleased to announce the immediate availability of IBX for Lazarus. IBX for Lazarus is derived from the Open Source edition of IBX published by Borland/Inprise in 2000 under the InterBase Public License. This version has been brought up-to-date by MWA Software and focused on the Firebird Database API for both Linux and Windows platforms. It is released under the InterBase Public License for the original code and under the compatible Initial Developers Public License for new software. Both Licenses permit commercial use.

IBX for Lazarus has been developed in the context of a single project porting a large application originally developed in Delphi to Lazarus. Testing has focused on this application and the Linux 64-bit environment (Ubuntu 10.04), with product testing on 32-bit Linux and Windows XP. Wider deployment and testing is necessary before IBX for Lazarus can be considered stable.

You are encouraged to download the software and report your experience to us ( – both good and bad so that a stable product can be made available to the Open Source Community.

Initially, please report bugs to the Bugzilla Database ( set up to monitor IBX for Lazarus bugs.

Initial Thread with the announcement (where other ports are discussed: OSX and some bugs fixed)


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Shared page cache ready to be commited in firebird 3.0

Vlad Khorsun wrote about the Shared page cache implementation in 3.0 :
After more than a year of development, testing, switching on another tasks and returning back i’m ready to commit shared page cache implementation into trunk.
I consider it stable enough to be committed into SVN. It runs some stability tests more than 10 hours for longest run and many shorter runs at different configurations.
Here i want to do overview of changes, what was tested, what was not, and what
is work in progress.

You can read more about Shared page cache in the Firebird 3.0 presentation
Update:Feature commited into trunk

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Firebird 2.0 (and up) Maximum Number Of Records In Table

Maximum number of records in table in Firebird is depended on record_size and page_size.
Here is a spreadsheet in Open/Libre Office Calc (for all calculations look at sheet 1, sheet 2, sheet 3 and sheet 4):
I would like to here from developers from Firebird is this calculations are correct.
Here is the original blog post , and here are the related threads on firebird-support
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Tips:How to Identify if your run 64 bits of Firebird engine

Question: I have a requirement to Identify whether a Firebird system is 64 bit or not,in order to know whether to deploy a 64 bit UDF or a 32 bit UDF. Is there any thing to give the correct information?
The best Answer: Identify this information this way:
fbsvcmgr service_mgr -user sysdba -password masterke -info_server_version -info_implementation

see the manual for more  :

On ubuntu/debian 64 will give :
fbsvcmgr service_mgr -user sysdba -password masterke -info_implementation | grep 64
Server implementation: Firebird/linux AMD64

or you can count if the 64 string is present with -c in grep (notice that there is no need for username and password)

fbsvcmgr service_mgr -info_implementation | grep -c 64



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Jiří Činčura Blogged: Tokenize string in SQL (Firebird syntax)

Few days ago I wrote “Some thoughts on denormalization” post. Though concatenating data to one string is easy with there introduced function, splitting it back could be harder. I left it as exercise, but I feel, to make it complete, it’s good to show one possible implementation.

Here’s one I came with today (using Firebird syntax, however it’s almost pure SQL), quickly. It’s something I created from start to finish in one row and sure for some cases it could be optimized.


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