Which embedded database has maximum SQL compliance, and concurrency support?

One happy firebird user looking for a cool Sql Embeeded Database and is ditching Microsoft Access too

I did trials with Firebird, and it really does seem very good, zero admin, and SQL compliant. It is fast, and I had no problems in any of the typical queries I could try on it. I am very satisfied with it, and hopefully will use it for the project for which I raised this question.Hopefully Advantage Server too will be good, but could not get time to review it. After reviewing/using Firebird do not feel any need to try anything else.

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Who is using Firebird and #Debian Humanistisch Instituut voor Ontwikkelingssamenwerking

The organisation uses Debian GNU/Linux on half of their servers, i.e. about 10 systems.

It is used for two web servers, for the mail server and on a system for project administration, running a Firebird database. Debian was chosen since it’s the ultimate form of Open Source, and reliable as well. Since Hivos works for creating a better world, fights poverty and uses No Borders for People as its motto, choosing Debian is natural.


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Firebird nagios plugin written in #python

At work we use a lot of Firebird databases, and so far our system admins checked the availability of a Firebird Database by simply trying to connect via telnet to the port 3050 and see if they would get a response. With this kind of check you can’t really determine if the database is really up and running,

Therefore they asked me if I could write a plugin for nagios which would do a real check to ensure that the Databases are up and running, here is my result.

I chose to write the plugin in python, due it’s simplicity, and because I already wrote some script using the python-kinterbasdb extension

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New Firebird site is almost ready

From Alexey Kovyazin:

Hello All,

Current data transfer from old site to the new site is almost complete. There are following areas in process:

  • In Development – QA, Documentations for developers and .NET/Python drivers
  • Old news – we will transfer old news for a while, now at 2009-2008 level.
  • In About Firebird -> Features description, is in progress
  • Grantee reports from old years
  • Some minor content adjustments

Also we need to manage setup for daily snapshot uploads.

For regular site updates, like adding news or new FF members/sponsors, dedicated person from DQTeam will manage data adding/changing, until other site contributors will learn how to use CMS.

Actual transfer and redevelopment is almost over, now web-site redevelopment is about “intellectual” re-writing and new content creatiion.

Such process will be run constantly, and there will be always gap between ideal site and good-enough site.

I ask everyone to join the action now, look through the site thoroughly, and then provide actual help in order to jump over gap and switch to the new site in the next few days, and then go to the Phase 2 – improvements and extensions.
Old site will be live for a while, of course, so no content will be missed.

Alexey Kovyazin

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FBDataGuard 2.5 for Linux: binaries and User Guide were updated

New version of FBDataGuard 2.5 for Linux is available. Update introduces enhanced support for CentOS, Suse, Debian and Debian-derived Linux distributives.
At first run FBDataGuard automatically discovers installed Firebird and performs quick investigation of the system and, if something wrong found, it reports about the problem.
Changes are reflected in the new version of FBDataGuard User Guide (PDF is available).
Full (commercial) version of FBDataGuard includes Control Center – Windows GUI tool with advanced monitoring and recovery capabilities.

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