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Firebird: how to find SQL queries which use bad index?

In the first part of our optimization story (“How to ruin Firebird performance…“) we mentioned that indices should be analyzed before dropping, even if they appeared to be very bad in IBAnalyst in terms of garbage and number of unique values.
In essence, we need to log all queries used in applications, get their execution plans and check, how indices are used.
For this we need to log all SQL traffic between applications and Firebird database.
Keep reading in IBSurgeon blog.
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AnySQL Maestro 11.7 released

AnySQL Maestro SQL Maestro Group announces the release of AnySQL Maestro 11.7, a powerful tool to manage any database engine accessible via ODBC driver or OLE DB provider (MS Access, SQL Server, Firebird, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc).

    AnySQL Maestro comes in both Freeware and Professional editions (more information).

      New version introduces data pagination, code snippets in SQL Editor, data import from ODBC data sources, and other new features (full press release).

        AnySQL Maestro 11.7 has been successfully tested with Firebird ODBC driver and all the latest Firebird database server versions up to 2.5.

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        Centos 5.X – Build Firebird / Interbase (extension and PDO extension) support into PHP

        Sent by Luis Rodrigues <luisrodrigues.pt@gmail.com>

        1º  # Install Firebird
        # for this tutorial I use FirebirdSS- (downloaded by Firebird website)
        rpm -ivh FirebirdSS-

        2º Obtain php source code

        # create the /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-SRPMS.repo with the following content

        name=CentOS-$releasever – Base SRPMS

        #released updates
        name=CentOS-$releasever – Updates SRPMS

        yum install yum-utils
        yumdownloader –source php

        3º # Install php-devel for phpize
        yum install php-devel

        #   if you want to build interbase.so extension only

        4º # change to the folder where the extension code is and run the following command set.
        cd /usr/src/redhat/BUILD/php-5.1.6/ext/interbase
        ./configure –with-interbase=shared,/opt/firebird

        5º # the extension interbase.so if builded sucessfully is located  at:

        6º i’m using 64bits system so i need to copy the extension
        cp interbase.so /usr/lib64/php/modules

        7º last we need to activate extension into PHP
        vi /etc/php.ini

        #add the following line do extensions section


        #  if you want to build Firebird Driver
        4º # change to the folder where the extension code is and run the following command set.
        cd /usr/src/redhat/BUILD/php-5.1.6/ext/pdo_firebird
        ./configure –with-pdo-firebird=/opt/firebird/

        5º # the extension interbase.so if builded sucessfully is located  at:

        6º i’m using 64bits system so i need to copy the extension
        cp pdo_firebird.so /usr/lib64/php/modules

        7º last we need to activate extension into PHP

        #to work PDO driver need PDO (if you don’t have it, install it using yum)
        yum install php-pdo

        vi /etc/php.ini

        #add the following line do extensions section

        extension= pdo.so
        extension= pdo_firebird.so

        8º restart apache
        service httpd restart


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        #AnyDAC Summer 2011 v 5.0.1 – #Delphi Components for Firebird, Interbase and more

        DA-SOFT Technologies announces the availability of AnyDAC for Delphi Summer 2011 release v – high-speed, Universal Data Access Components for Firebird, Interbase, SQLite, MySQL, MS SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, MS Access, IBM DB2, Sybase SQL Anywhere, Informix, Advantage, DbExpress, ODBC, that simplifies the task of building Embarcadero Delphi, C++Builder and Free Pascal Compiler database applications.

        AnyDAC for Delphi can be immediately downloaded from the download page.

        What is new in v5.0.1 and what is AnyDAC ?

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        Firebird Randdom Data Generator

        Firebird Randdom Data Generator For Linux and Windows designed with brand new concept is released for download/test.

        • UPDATE OR INSERT INTO for Firebird 2.1+
        • preview of the random test data
        • use standard SQL script to generate random data
        • create/save standard SQL script when generating/inserting random data
        • save/load the SQL script/ embed user defined constants in the SQL script
        • user defined starting number for the auto-incremental filed (min. 0),
        • and can continue from the end number for next round of inserting.
        • save/load the user defined random test data variable definition file.
        • execute any standard SQL DDL script./enable/disable triggers.
        • a data grid to review the populated data of the database.
        • connect to Max. 4 database simultaneously
        • populate multiple tables simultaneously in all connected databases (Max.4),
        • keeping the Primary Key and Foreign Key relations within database,
        • and across all the connected databases.
        • insert user defined files as random test data to blob field, across all
        • connected databases./embed fixed string into CHAR/VAR/BLOB data-type so that
        • user may test ‘searching’ function in database.
        • and much more..

        Detailed tech-info


        You are welcome to download and test

        Rock Stone

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