Installing Perl DBI driver for Firebird 2.5 RDBMS server in #ubuntu and #debian

DBI driver for Firebird and RDBMS server is located in git now

This was tested on ubuntu ubuntu 11.10 oneiric with firebird 2.5 SuperServer installed from repository

Check if firebird dev headers are installed (this package is both for Super and for Classic)
also check if the perl module DBI is already installed

sudo apt-get install firebird2.5-dev libdbi-perl
git clone git://
cd perl-dbd-firebird/
perl Makefile.PL
sudo make install

you can run the test if you want

ISC_PASSWORD=masterkey make test

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You Don’t need CPUAffinity, nBackup, shadow and multifile databases

Right now at you can see (at the right side) the survey about Firebird features in production environment.

Some answers look like dangerous signals, especially for those who run big Firebird databases.

Which of the following FB features you use in production environments?

  • None of the above (49%, 139 Votes)
  • CPUAffinity parameter (27%, 77 Votes)
  • nBackup (24%, 67 Votes)
  • Shadow (13%, 37 Votes)
  • Multifile DB (11%, 31 Votes)
  • Redirection parameter(info) (4%, 10 Votes)

Total Voters: 284

So, what’s wrong with these answers?
Here is the response on Firebird Surgeon
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