IBReplicator V5.0.7 has been released.
IBReplicator V5.0.7 has been released. More information in the Release Notes.
IBReplicator V5.0.7 has been released. More information in the Release Notes.
Firebird 3.0.10 Docker image is released and the following tags can be used : 3.0, v3.0, v3.0.10
New version of RedDatabase 3.0.9 has been released.
The most significant changes are:
See full list of changes on the download pages:
Open edition: RedDatabase 3.0.9
Standard edition: RedDatabase 3.0.9
Enterprise edition: RedDatabase 3.0.9
Today (July, 5) at 10h (Brasilia Time, GMT -3) there will be a free webinar (in Portuguese) with Alexey Kovyazin introducing the new Full Text Search UDR sponsored by IBSurgeon, for Firebird 3 and 4.
To enhance the Firebird functionality, IBSurgeon has sponsored the development and now released for public use the free open source “IBSurgeon Full Text Search UDR” to perform full text search queries within SQL and PSQL. UDR works with Firebird 3 and 4, for Windows there are ready-to-use binaries, for Linux it is necessary to build the UDR.
The UDR is based on Lucene++ engine, with all the powerful features required for full text search and with very fast performance (build as native C++ library).
The binaries of IBSurgeon Full Text Search UDR, its sources, and documentation are available on GitHub https://github.com/IBSurgeon/lucene_udr
Please download, read documentation, use, provide feedback (via GitHub Issues) and join to its group in Telegram (support and development).
And don’t forget to mark it with star on GitHub!
LibreOffice 7.3.4 is now available, with over 80 bugfixes and compatibility improvements.
Get it here .
The interview I did with Ann Harrison, the mother of Firebird, is about to reach 2.000 views on Youtube! If you didn’t see it yet, watch it now, hit the “like” button and subscribe to the channel! Ann is married to Jim Starkey, the creator of InterBase. She have shared a lot of her memories from the time IB got open sourced and Firebird was born! A must see! The audio is in English with Portuguese subtitles.
Hello Everyone.
Recently we published the source code of IBProvider built-in client for work with Firebird without fbclient.dll.
It supports Firebird from v0.9.4 till v3.0.
It’s a stable and completely tested thing which has worked since 2017.
If you are interested in such things – you are welcome.
Source code of the test system is available, too.
License: MIT.
Regards, IBProvider team.
Firebird 3.0.9 and 4.0.1 is now officially available via QNAP’s app store (only for Intel 64Bit systems).
Firebird 3.0.10 can be downloaded via the follow link