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Firebird Perl DBI driver 0.60 released

New version of DBI driver for Firebird is available at cpan with many changes and bugfixes . Please report any bugs and add them to the github project’s issues list

To download from cpan and install, simply do:

wget http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/M/MA/MARIUZ/DBD-Firebird-0.60.tar.gz
tar -zxvf DBD-Firebird-0.60.tar.gz
cd DBD-Firebird-0.60/
perl Makefile.PL
make install

optional step

DBI_PASS=masterkey make test

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Case Study: Moscow City Hospital

Take a look at the new case study published in the FirebirdSQL site. Interesting that they choosed Firebird over Oracle, and cost was not the only factor. Worth reading!

There are other case studies published in the site. Make sure to read them all, and if you have an interesting case to show, contact the moderator to know how to publish it there.

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pyfirebirdsql (python 3.x driver) here is a first todo list

Philippe Makowski wrote a first todo list for the driver  :

  • add multiple transactions per connection management
  • add prepared statements management
  • extend services api
  • improve info_database output (see db_info in kinterbasdb)

after that, I think that someone could work on sqlalchemy integration

I’ll try to first add the multiple transactions per connection
management in my repo (will create a branche for that)

Volunteers ?
Anything else ?


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