E-mail anonymization in Firebird
I worked recently with Firebird database. I want to share my experience in one task I had to do: anonymization of e-mails.
I worked recently with Firebird database. I want to share my experience in one task I had to do: anonymization of e-mails.
Here are the security notes for an application that uses Firebird:
Another thing to keep in mind while securing your database: sometimes when we release new versions of Fishbowl, it upgrades your database to a new version, as well. When this happens, Fishbowl makes two different backups. One is a copy of the database; the other is a Firebird database dump. I like to call these the “Murphy’s Law backups” because you shouldn’t need them, and you won’t need them – until you don’t have them. They are created for rollback purposes during the upgrade. Leaving these unprotected is just as bad as leaving your main database unprotected. You can find these files in C:\Program Files (x86)\Fishbowl\database\data – inside the “old” and “backup” directories.
Expect to see the final release of Firebird 2.5.1 coming out in the next days. There will be no RC2.
This release brings many changes and docs cleanup
We celebrate with him his first commit message 7 years ago (it was in CVS tree)
After a week of using my homegrown tool for managing Firebird databases, I have realised that it would help a great deal if I could edit live data
A rather big (and long overdue!) update of the Dutch and English nbackup manuals has just been committed (to trunk and B_Release) and published on the website.
Next task: Language Reference!
Paul Vinkenoog
A new case-study was added to FirebirdSQL site. It is always interesting to ready such articles, and know about other companies experiences with Firebird. This time it is about DRB Systems moving from InterBase 6 to Firebird to solve stability problems. Read more.
New version of DBI driver for Firebird is available at cpan with many changes and bugfixes . Please report any bugs and add them to the github project’s issues list
To download from cpan and install, simply do:
wget http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/M/MA/MARIUZ/DBD-Firebird-0.60.tar.gz
tar -zxvf DBD-Firebird-0.60.tar.gz
cd DBD-Firebird-0.60/
perl Makefile.PL
make install
optional step
DBI_PASS=masterkey make test