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FreePascal FCL web combined live example with ExtJS

The example uses the latest 3.x version of the ExtJS Library
installed at demo.artesoft.gr/ext . I changed a little the database,
adding a before update or delete trigger to protect the demo account
from accidents.

The database is a firebird 2.1 Superserver, and the server is a CentOS
5.7 64bit with ISPConfig and the demo.artesoft.gr is a subdomain.

Feel free to do whatever you want with the demo as long is up and running.

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TurboBird a cross platform FireBird database admin tool written in Lazarus

Turbo Bird is a Firebird Administration tool. It enables you to create new Firebird database, create/modify tables, procedures, views, triggers, generators, roles, UDFs, Domains, and much more. Turbo Bird application is very easy to install and to use.
There are Linux 32 bit, Windows 32 bit, and Mac OS binaries. You can install the source and compile it using Lazarus in any other Plateform that already supported by Lazarus.

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Start using gmane.org for news / archive / blog interface for firebird related mailing list

I suggest to drop Atkins [for news readers] and start using gmane.org. I use it for several years in FireBase, and it had always been very stable.

We have also archive on mail-archive :
http://www.mail-archive.com/firebird-devel <at> lists.sourceforge.net
http://www.mail-archive.com/firebird-docs <at> lists.sourceforge.net
http://www.mail-archive.com/firebird-net-provider <at> lists.sourceforge.net
http://www.mail-archive.com/firebird-odbc-devel <at> lists.sourceforge.net
http://www.mail-archive.com/firebird-python <at> yahoogroups.com
http://www.mail-archive.com/firebird-support <at> yahoogroups.com

on gmane :


Update : Firebird support archive and NNTP is back on gmane

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Delphi, Firebird, IBObjects and Transaction Management

I recently had reason to revisit transaction management in our application. The application makes extensive use of data aware grids (TDBGrid) and, as I am sure everyone is aware, it is impossible to explicitly manage transactions when you are displaying data in a grid.

Fortunately, IBObjects provides the means to automatically clean up transactions left hanging by TDBGrid. Unfortunately, this isn’t as well documented or as straightforward as I would like. So, after much research using the programmer’s secret weapon (Google) and a few questions posted to the IBObjects support group (thanks Jason) I think I finally understand how it works.

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Firebird + EXT4 + barrier 1/0 + FW ON/OFF

Philippe Makowski did some TPC tests and posted the results at fb-devel:


I’m a bit puzzled by the results I get I made test on Fedora 16 with Kernel 3.1.1-1.fc16.x86_64 on LVM2 Logical Volume of 10G

Firebird 2.5.1 Classic

hdparm  /dev/vg_tests/testfb
multcount     =  0 (off)
IO_support    =  1 (32-bit)
readonly      =  0 (off)
readahead     =  8 (on)

hdparm -Tt /dev/vg_tests/testfb
Timing cached reads:   12976 MB in  2.00 seconds = 6496.46 MB/sec
Timing buffered disk reads: 174 MB in  3.02 seconds =  57.53 MB/sec

database : 1,8G
created with -w20
and buffers 1024

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