Faghmie Davids contributed his patches to firebird provider for gnome db

Here is my patch file so far for the firebird provider.[Ed:For gnome db]

It only run select statements. Your feedback and guidance will be appreciated.

There is still quite a bit missing, but at least I can now select data from a firebird database . Please note that it does not do the input,parameters for statements…..mainly cause I never use it

If there is some interest I’ll work some more on it

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Hierarchical database structures and Firebird PSQL

The idea of storing a hierarchical data in a relational database is very simple, but effective work with such a data requires some knowledge of server-side programming using procedural SQL (PSQL). So the hierarchical data structures are a good chance to get acquainted with PSQL. For demonstration purposes I created a simple database with single table TCLASS containing Delphi class hierarchy
The rest of the article is here

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Future for Python driver merging the pure driver with the ctypes interface to Firebird.

Pavel Cisar wrote on firebird python list :
Those who attended my “Python drivers” session at conference in
Luxembourg already know that last two months I have worked on another
Python driver for Firebird (codename fdb). It was just an experiment how
far I could go in short time with another approach to implementation,
not real attempt to replace both existing drivers (KInterbasDB and
firebirdsql). However, it went so well, that we have a real chance to
get out a truly universal pure Python driver for Firebird next year.
Here are details…

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AUDFL: advanced version of rFunc with support for 64-bit Windows and Linux

AUDFL is an advanced version of popular rFunc UDF library for Firebird 2.0-2.5.x, with 32/64-bit support for Windows and Linux.
With AUDFL you can easy migrate your Firebird database with rFunc inside to 64-bit Firebird version.
AUDFL is developed by Maxim Filatov (www.ansoft.ru) and supported by IBSurgeon.
AUDFL is under LGPL license – i.e., it’s open source and it’s 100% free.
Here you can download 32- and 64-bit versions of AUDFL for Windows and Linux, or download full source code (SVN) and build AUDFL yourself using Visual Studio Express or gcc.

If you found a bug or another problem, please create an appropriate ticket.
If you need professional support on issues, related with rFunc/AUDFL, please contact IBSurgeon Support.

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