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FBClone version 2.1.4 is released (bugfix release)

FBClone v2.1.4 is released .This is a “bugfix release” (field “XxX” not found when used against case sensitive databases.)

FBClone can clone a Firebird database in one shot (instead of backup/restore cycle) and pump data from one database to another with the same structure, it handles metadata / data charset conversion and may be useful to ease database owner change process or to migrate a database between two different firebird versions (eg. 2.1 -> 1.5)

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The Perfect Database Server: Firebird 2.5.1 And FreeBSD 9

Here is the guide on installing Firebird 2.5.1 from FreeBSD 9 Ports and
creating your first test database; also we show you how to install
Flamerobin GUI (administration tool) and the PHP driver for it. This was tested on fresh FreeBSD 9 on a kvm-linux virtual machine.

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IBSurgeon Log Viewer 2.0 – free tool for viewing and analyzing firebird.log

IBSurgeon Log Viewer is designed to facilitate viewing and analyzing long Firebird and InterBase logs. Many Firebird and Interbase developers and administrators do not pay enough attention to the contents of firebird.log (interbase.log), though there is a lot of useful information, which can help to find and resolve various issues with Firebird/InterBase databases.

Originally Log Viewer was IBSurgeon’s internal application, which helped to quickly navigate through very long Firebird and InterBase logs, and in version 2.0 it became mature enough to be released for the community.
Download free version from IBSurgeon’s site.

Install it and open server’s log (usually it’s in C:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_n_n\ folder). There are also descriptions for log entries shipped with IBSurgeon Log Viewer:
IBSurgeon Log Viewer

Feel free to contact IBSurgeon Support (support@ib-aid.com) if you see suspicious messages in your logs. Don’t forget to attach log to the message!

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