How to implement FROM_UNIXTIME() like function in Firebird
Here is the example explained in Spanish :
select dateadd(second, 1255033470, cast(’01/01/1970 00:00:00.0000′ as timestamp)) from rdb$database;
Here is the example explained in Spanish :
select dateadd(second, 1255033470, cast(’01/01/1970 00:00:00.0000′ as timestamp)) from rdb$database;
The report (with pictures) of the 9th edition of the Firebird Developers Day is now available (in English and Portuguese). Thanks for all attendees, speakers and sponsors! See you in next year, celebrating 10 years of the conference!
Many attendees of the 9th Firebird Developers Day donated money to sponsor the enhancement of the Firebird protocol, known to be “slow” in high latency networks (ie: internet). This is the #1 voted feature in the Firebird tracker! The development will be done by Dmitry Yemanov, chief of the Firebird development team, and available in Firebird 3 (with chances of being partially backported to Firebird 2.5.x). A list with the names of all donors and values can be found here.
Short answer is FDB
The difference between FDB and kInterbasDB is explained here
It’s old and unmaintained , all effort is on FDB driver and it is backward compatible with kInterbasDB
Now between FDB and FirebirdSQL , from what i know pyFirebirdSQL is pure python so it can work without any other so/dll installed and it can be used for example in places where there is no Firebird client installed (think of android python script)
The article is in Spanish from the Django Firebird driver maintainer
Maximiliano Robaina wrote on django-firebird group
I would just like to say that the first attempt to support django 1.4 is ready for test, but we have a few considerations related to this release.
First, this test version live in
For now, this repo is just for test but I think that will be the next official home in short time.
Second, the way as insert worked was deprecated. At previous versions we have contemplated not to use triggers for manage auto incremental fields, the value of autoinc fields were generated on python code by using GEN_ID or NEXT VALUE FOR according to firebird version. Now, is necessary to have triggers (and sequences/generators) for inserts and set new primary key values, then, if you are using a legacy database without this, It will not work.
If anybody think that is a bad idea remove this behavior and need it, we can discuss about it.
Third, obviously django-firebird doesn’t pass all the django test suite.
For example, django try to create a field as decimal(38,30)
django.db.utils.DatabaseError: (-842, u’isc_dsql_prepare: \n Dynamic SQL Error\n SQL error code = -842\n Precision must be from 1 to 18 — CREATE TABLE “MODEL_FIELDS_BIGD” (\n “ID” integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,\n “D” decimal(38, 30) NOT NULL\n)\n;’)
And of course, we need to have our own test suite.
That is all. Feel free to try and to express your opinion.
Informamos que amanhã, dia 20/Julho, haverá um workshop gratuito com Alexey Kovyazin, na Unimep Taquaral, em Piracicaba. Não há necessidade de se inscrever antecipadamente. Os interessados podem comparecer diretamente no local e hora indicada.
Segue informações:
Workshop Otimização de banco de Dados SQL
Local: Auditório Azul – Bloco 7 – Campus Taquaral
Data: 20/07/2012 – Sexta-feira
Início: 14h30 – duração prevista de 1h30
Workshop em inglês, com tradução consecutiva para português.
Alexey Kovyazin é diretor executivo da IBSurgeon e um veterano das tecnologias da informação: sua experiência inclui ter trabalhado na Borland/CodeGear/Embarcadero e na Microsoft, além de ser especialista na recuperação de bases de dados corrompidas. Na IBSurgeon, trabalha na melhoria constante dos produtos e serviços.
Estará falando sobre as ferramentas da IBSurgeon que facilitam o tunning de bancos de dados.
Maximiliano Robaina is working on adding support for the newest django release