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Xampp and Firebird on Windows7

Install xampp to c:\xampp

I had to change the Apache Port to 8080 as windows 7 has its own http.sys listening on Port 80.

Then I followed mainly this article

As I already had a working Firebird 2.5 version, I simply copied fbclient.dll from my existing Firebird/bin folder to c:\xampp\apache\bin

modified php.ini as mentioned in above blog post

I had to modify status.php and FirebirdTest.php a bit because of my existing Firebird installation and the different Apache port:


line($TEXT[‘status-ssi’], $ssi);

if (file_exists(“$partwampp\\htdocs\\xampp\\FirebirdTest.php”)) {
$a = @file(“http://{$hostauth}{$host}:8080/xampp/FirebirdTest.php”);
$fbi = $a[0];
line(“Firebird”, $fbi);

if(@ibase_connect(‘localhost:C:\Program Files (x86)\Firebird\Firebird_2_5\examples\empbuild\employee.fdb’, ‘sysdba’,’myfirebirdpassword’)) {
echo “OK”;
} else {
echo “NOK”;

http://localhost:8080/xampp/FirebirdTest.php then should return ‘OK’


From Frank <frank at schlottmann-goedde.de>

“Fascinating creatures, phoenixes, they can carry immensely heavy loads,
their tears have healing powers and they make highly faithful pets.”
– J.K. Rowling

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Lazarus Free Pascal RAD IDE 1.0 is released

The Lazarus team is glad to announce the release of:

Lazarus 1.0

At this important stage the current team would like to thank all the past and current people who were involved in getting us here.
* Thanks also go to the FPC team for providing the compiler that makes it all possible.
* Special thanks go to the founders of the project who started Lazarus more than a decade ago in 1999: Cliff Baeseman, Shane Miller and Michael A. Hess.
* A history of developers involved can be found in wiki History page . And a list of the many contributors comes with the distribution.

The release is available for download at the SourceForge download page:

Choose your CPU, OS, distro and then the “Lazarus 1.0” directory.

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International Firebird Conference 2012

Hello All,

Firebird Conference 2012 will take place October 26-27, in Luxembourg. Please plan your journey to the main Firebird event of the year!

Now we are calling for papers – please send talks’ proposals to case@firebirdsql.org if you’d like to present there.

Current sponsors are Sita Software, IBPhoenix and IBSurgeon, other sponsors are very welcome.

Alexey Kovyazin
IBSurgeon (www.ib-aid.com)

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Understanding barrier on Linux

It is known that massive write operations in Firebird databases (like updates affecting thousands or millions of records) had become much slower in more recent Linux servers. After investigation, I found this to be related with the fact that most recent distros brings the barrier parameter of the filesystem activated.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to solve this “problem” completely, without opening a door for corruption. The slow down when barrier is enabled can be minimized a lot if the database is configured with forced writes OFF, but this also may lead into corruption if something bad happens to the server.

Anyway, the purpose of this post is to share an article that helps to understand how barrier works and why it slow down such kind of operations.

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