RedExpert 2022.09 has been released

New version of RedExpert 2022.09 is available.


  1. Ability to save columns order and width in trace manager
  2. Field with performance counters in Trace Manager
  3. Export tables of Trace Manager
  4. Import data from a text file with separator
  5. Export data to SQL script
  6. Ability to change activity for several triggers and indexes in the object tree
  7. External tables support
  8. Support for external procedures and functions
  9. Support for comments on tables, procedures, functions and views
  10. English version of the release notes


  1. Quoting of table names when generating INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE queries
  2. Slow loading of tables
  3. Incorrect recognition of default value for procedure parameters if ‘=’ is used
  4. Table column comment formatting in DDL query
  5. Rollback transaction on closing request dialog
  6. Error in generating date and time values in the test data generator
  7. Wrong message about successful creation of external procedures and functions in request editor
  8. Incorrect generation of “create generator” query
  9. Errors of trace parsing
  10. Autocomplete columns to alias escaped table

Download and install the new version.

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FirebirdSQL: internal files, temporary files, and environment variables

In this article we will describe the types of Firebird internal and temp files, and also consider how they are stored and managed through configuration parameters and environment variable of OS.
FirebirdSQL: internal files, temporary files, and environment variables

The article continues series of articles and materials devoted to the mastering of installation and configuration of Firebird:

IBSurgeon Library -> Installation And Configuration

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IBX 2.5.0 is now available for download

MWA Software is pleased to announce the release of version 2.5.0 of IBX for Lazarus and version 1.4.0 of the Firebird Pascal API.

The updated version of the Firebird Pascal API (fbintf) is supported for both Free Pascal and Delphi and now includes:

– Support for Server Side User Defined Routines (UDRs) written in Pascal.
– Client side Journaling

The updated version of IBX for Lazarus includes a new non-visual component (TIBJournal) which integrates the underlying client side journaling feature into the Lazarus IDE.

There are also several bug fixes. The updated version is available from

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For Brazilians:

Temos uma ótima novidade para você que virá pro 19º FDD: dia 7/outubro, véspera do FDD, haverá um Evento FIREBIRD VIP exclusivo e limitado à apenas 10 participantes, ministrado por Alexey Kovyazin, CEO da IBSurgeom especialista em otimização de bases de dados e servidores Firebird. O evento será em português e usará uma abordagem inovadora misturando consultoria e curso tradicional , incluindo apresentações/slides e demonstrações práticas de como fazer (how-to).

Cada um dos participantes poderá enviar informações sobre suas dificuldades reais com o Firebird, arquivos de log, firebird.conf, etc. até o dia 23/setembro, sendo que o evento será modelado de acordo com as necessidades enviadas (apresentando de forma anônima), com explicações sobre a razão dos problemas de performance e sugestões de como resolver esses problemas nas bases de dados reais. Em suma, o evento vai focar nos assuntos realmente necessários analisando problemas reais dos participantes!

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