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Results of the XAMPP 2012 survey

Thanks for thouse who voted with firebird to be included in the one of the most known apache distributions

The XAMPP 2012 survey is now over. Thank you to all who participated and helped us to get answers to our questions. Exactly 2674 individuals participated in the survey and responded with 97938 single answers in total.

It will take some time for us to go through the results, but if you’re curious about the raw results, please feel free to look at the linked PDF. Thank you all again and hopefully you’ll find this data as interesting as we do.


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Firebird Embedded on MacOSX

Based on a document written by Fulvio, a while ago, I finally spent time writing a make file that will automatically create an embedded version of Firebird that will run on MacOSX as a bundle. All you do is make a normal build of Firebird Classic and then use this make file to create the Firebird.app folder which is set up in a way that allows you to access a database via isql for example without the need for a full framework. The make file detailed below was written for Firebird 2.5.x

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Firebird Hosting on Windows & Linux

Having offered Firebird hosting on our Linux servers for over two years, InspiroHost is happy to announce that we now also offer Windows web hosting with full support for Firebird, PHP, MySQL, ASP and all the tools you need to get your website up and running. Cpanel/Plesk control panels are included, as is 24/7 technical support and server monitoring.

Please visit us at http://www.inspirohost.com/firebird-sql-hosting/

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Django 1.5 driver for firebird ready for testing (based on the new fdb driver)

Hi everyone,

I’ve some news about development of django-firebird:

First, the current django-firebird at google code repository was updated (in trunk) with support for django 1.4. This version is still with kinterbasdb support.

There is a new version of django-firebird at https://github.com/maxirobaina/django-firebird.
This version is under development and uses the new fdb python-firebird driver in replacement of kinterbasdb. Also it’s tested with django 1.5 master branch, so that is possible what this can fail with django 1.4.
Given that this is still in alpha stage, so we need that you try it and give us some feedback.

For the moment, I’ll try to maintain both, but in the future, all efforts will target fdb with firebird 2.x and later.

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Survey for Jaybird users is on-line! Participate now.

The Jaybird team would like to invite developers and users of Jaybird to fill out a survey on your use of Jaybird (Firebird JDBC driver). You can find the survey at http://infopoll.net/live/surveys/s36021.htm. The results of the survey will be used to decide where to focus development of the upcoming Jaybird versions.

Mark Rotteveel

The survey will be online until 28-September. If you use Jaybird in your projects, don’t miss the chance to participate in this survey.

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Firebird 2.5.2 Release Candidate is available

The Firebird Project team is happy to announce that the v2.5.2 release
candidate kits for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X platforms are ready for

Please read the Release Notes for details.

Download page:

Enjoy the testing and please don’t hesitate to report the found
regressions (if any) to firebird-devel mailing list or in the bug tracker.


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