One more reason to upgrade to Firebird 2.5.2 : CVE-2012-5529

News via oss-sec and [pkg-firebird-general] mailing list
A denial of service flaw was found in the way the TraceManager of
Firebird, performed preparation of an empty dynamic SQL query. When the trace mode was
enabled, a remote, authenticated database user could use this flaw
to cause the Firebird server to crash with a NULL pointer dereference.

References: [1]

Relevant upstream patch: [4]

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Firebird 2.5.2 Debian and Ubuntu status

The packaging is ready and anybody wanting to build the package can
find the sources in the Git repository[1]. Since Debian is in a freeze
preparing to its next release, I asked the release team for a freeze
exception[2]. It would be great to have the final release in


sudo su
apt-get git-core devscripts
apt-get build-dep firebird2.5
git clone
cd 2.5

Ignore the last error debsign: gpg error occurred! Aborting (it only for Debian maintainers who sign the package like Damyan)

all the packages will be in ../

you can install for example firebird super classic this way

cd ../
sudo dpkg -i firebird2.5-superclassic* firebird2.5-common* firebird2.5-server-common* firebird2.5-classic-common*

ps: the above instructions were tested on Ubuntu 12.10 , Stable Firebird ppa is updated for all Ubuntu Releases

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Database Workbench 4.3.2 released

Upscene Productions is proud to announce the next
version of the popular multi-DBMS development tool:

Database Workbench 4.3.2 Pro

For more information, see here.

This version includes fixes for issues as reported by our users.

Previous changes include:

  • Stored Procedure, Function and Trigger Debugger for MySQL
  • Incremental search of data in SQL, Table & View Editor
  • Syntax check in Trigger Editor for Firebird & InterBase

And much more: click here for the full list of changes in v4.3.2

The free Lite Editions will be released later.

Database Workbench supports:
– Borland InterBase (6.x – XE )
– Firebird ( 1.x, 2.x )
– MS SQL Server/MSDE ( 7, 2000, 2005, 2008, MSDE 1 & 2, SQL Express )
– MySQL 4.x, 5.x
– Oracle Database ( 8i, 9i, 10g, 11g )
– Sybase SQL Anywhere ( 9, 10, 11 and 12 )
– NexusDB ( 3.0 and up )

You like this news? Twitter it! Share it! Blog about it!

If you want to promote and blog about Database Workbench, send us an e-mail for a free license.

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FBClone 2.2.1 released – This is not only a bugfix version it can “normalize” a multi charset database

FBClone 2.2.1 is released to google code
This is more than a “bugfix release” for FBClone here are a few of new features and fixes:
-It Can “normalize” a multi charset database by ignoring all “character set” definitions from source db
See flags -ics -ko in combination with -tc UTF8.
-It supports domains in SP parameters as well as NOT NULL, TYPE OF and COLLATE.
-It’s changed creation order of UNIQUE/FOREIGN and VIEW TRG/TABLE TRG as suggested by users in issues.

You need to use it from command line and specify the source and target database
fbclone source employee.fdb target new_db.fdb user sysdba password *****
News via Pierre Yager tweet

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