The Lazarus team is glad to announce the release of Lazarus 1.0.12

The Lazarus team is glad to announce the release of Lazarus 1.0.12.

This is a bug fix release, built with the current Free Pasca Compiler 2.6.2.

Here is the list of changes for Lazarus and Free Pascal:

The release is available for download at SourceForge:

Choose your CPU, OS, distro and then the “Lazarus 1.0.12″ directory.

Minimum requirements:
Windows:       98, 2k, XP, Vista, 7, 32 or 64bit
FreeBSD/Linux: gtk 2.8 or qt4.5, 32 or 64bit
Mac OS X:      10.5, LCL only 32bit, non LCL apps can be 64bit

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GSOC LibreOffice Firebird Integration Weekly Update 12

New GSOC update for the previous week:
Current status of the firebird-sdbc driver is:

– (Var)Char, Numeric and Date/Time types all supported. (No support for blob/clob/array/etc. yet.)
– Data Editing in the GUI works.
– Data Insertion works.
– Table and Column definition/manipulation is mostly complete, there might still be a few minor-to-major issues, indexes aren’t supported at all.
– Usable on Linux, Mac, Windows (thanks to tml for fixing the fbembed
library / loading on Mac).

ps: you can check also the previous updates #11,#10,#9

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Editline is updated in Firebird 3.0 isql console client with UTF-8 support

Editline is used in Firebird isql console client , the last version is already imported in firebird 3.0

So it brings UTF-8 support at last in the console with a few patches

Thanks to Frank Schlottmann-Gödde for his efforts

ps:It’s history in Firebird tree is a little bit convoluted

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Firebird 2013 Tour

Firebird Project is glad to announce Firebird 2013 Tour – series of seminars around the world, devoted to Firebird, with members of Firebird Project as speakers.

The first seminar will be in Siegburg (North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany), November 22, 2013.

Firebird 2013 Tour will be devoted to all aspects of transactions, from the basic idea, to the internal implementation, best practices and guidance how to effectively use transactions in the applications, and, of course, performance analysis of transactions and related areas.

List of topics to be covered:

  • Transactions from the beginning: isolation levels and specific Firebird parameters (no_rec_version, table locking, read/write, wait/nowait), examples of their usage
  • How to use effectively isolation levels and parameters in multi-user applications, typical errors in transactions management
  • Internal implementation of transactions in Firebird, including versioning, locking and multi-generation mechanism
  • Garbage, sweep, auto-sweep: what are they and how to make them work for you and not against you
  • Effective management of transactions in various development tools (Delphi, Java, .NET, etc)
  • Transactions monitoring: transaction markers, MON$ tables, Trace API, third-party tools, how to find bottlenecks in transaction management and optimize database performance with monitoring
  • Best practices of transaction management, special approaches to optimize transaction in closed sourced applications.
  • Overview of Firebird 3.0 features

The detailed schedule of talks will be published later.

Organizer and general sponsor of Firebird 2013 Tour is IBSurgeon Ltd.


Seminar will take place in, Siegburg, Germany, November 22, 2013, from 09-00 to 18-00. It’s ~1hour from Cologne and 1h15min from Frankfurt (by train).

Attendee’s fees

Attendee’s fee includes seminar attendance, coffee-breaks, lunch and beverages. Room is not included.

Early bird registration is available till September 30, 2013.

Early bird registration fee – EUR 89, for group of 3+ attendees – EUR 79/person.

Regular price registration (after September 30, 2013) is EUR 109, for groups  3+ 99 eur/person.

There are limited seats, so please take your chance and register as soon as possible.

Please feel free to ask any questions to organizer’s email

Original announcement:

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IBSurgeon FBDataGuard 2.8: Update of monitoring and database protection tool

FBDataGuard, a server-side tool to monitor Firebird databases and prevent corruptions, was just updated to the version 2.8. This version contains stability improvements and minor bug fixes, improved support of SSL and support of SMTP-servers.
For ISVs (i.e., companies which produce Firebird-based software and need to protect a lot of installations) IBSurgeon now offers unlimited 1 year subscription for FBDataGuard for fixed price (EUR 990/USD1390). Regular price for
“Unlimited” means that there is no restrictions on how many FBDataGuard instances will be installed, and also it means that installed instances will work permanently. “1 year subscription” means that subscriber can install, reinstall and upgrade FBDataGuard installations during subscription period.
Please download new FBDataGuard from Deploy Center ( or and install. Also, FBDataGuard User Guide is available now in Portuguese.
For more information about FBDataGuard, trial downloads and purchase visit

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Database Workbench 4.4.1 released

Upscene Productions is proud to announce the next
version of the popular multi-DBMS development tool:

Database Workbench 4.4.1 Pro

For more information, see here.

This version includes fixes for issues as reported by our users.

The free Lite Editions will be released later.

Database Workbench supports:
– Borland InterBase (6.x – XE )
– Firebird ( 1.x, 2.x )
– MS SQL Server/MSDE ( 7, 2000, 2005, 2008, MSDE 1 & 2, SQL Express )
– MySQL 4.x, 5.x
– Oracle Database ( 8i, 9i, 10g, 11g )
– Sybase SQL Anywhere ( 9, 10, 11 and 12 )
– NexusDB ( 3.0 and up )

You like this news? Twitter it! Share it! Check out the PromoProgram!

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New snapshot of Jaybird 2.2.4 with support for: Firebird 3.0 Boolean and Java 8

Mark Rottevee announced new snapshot of Jaybird driver :
I have just uploaded a new snapshot version for Jaybird 2.2.4 to
sourceforge and the sonatype snapshots repository for Maven.

Most notable changes are support for the Firebird 3.0 alpha 1 BOOLEAN
type and support for Java 8. For other changes see

This snapshot is intended only for testing purposes and has not been
tested with the native or embedded subprotocols.

Download area (Java 5, 6, 7 and 8):

Maven snapshot repository:

groupId: org.firebirdsql.jdbc
artifactId: jaybird-jdk1x (where x = 5, 6, 7 or 8)
version: 2.2.4-SNAPSHOT

If you have any problems, let me know in the Firebird-Java list. Bugs
can be reported in the tracker

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