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Update of .NET Provider for OLEDB. Support of schemas implemented.

We continue to develop our .NET Provider for OLEDB. In the new build (#1434), we have implemented the methods to obtain database metadata:

  • OleDbConnection.GetOleDbSchemaTable
  • OleDbConnection.GetSchema


Supported schemas:

  • SchemaGuids
  • DbInfoKeywords
  • DbInfoLiterals
  • All schemas of the OLEDB Provider

Distinctions compared to standard OLEDB.NET Provider:

  • The SchemaGuids schema describes all schemas including SchemaGuids, DbInfoKeywords and DbInfoLiterals.
  • The SchemaGuids schema supports restrictions for the Schema column.


Supported schemas:

  • MetaDataCollections
  • Restrictions
  • DataTypes
  • ReservedWords
  • DataSourceInformation
  • CharacterSets
  • Collations
  • Tables
  • Views
  • Columns
  • Procedures
  • ProcedureParameters
  • ProcedureColumns
  • Indexes

Distinctions compared to standard OLEDB.NET Provider:

  • The MetaDataCollections schema supports restrictions for the column CollectionName.
  • The Restrictions schema supports restrictions for the columns CollectionName and RestrictionName.
  • More accurate population of the DataSourceInformation schema.
  • More accurate population of the Restrictions schema.

Implementation peculiarities

  • Caching of data from its own schemas (SchemaGuids, DbInfoKeywords, DbInfoLiterals, …).
  • Coherence of information from metadata schemas with the descriptions of the resulting rowset columns and command parameters (ensured by IBProvider).
  • Different algorithms of metadata loading for Interbase and Firebird. Including – our provider takes into account the version of the server and the version of database ODS (ensured by IBProvider).
  • Caching of OLEDB metadata schemas is carried out on the IBProvider level (see a property «schema_cache»).

Other changes

  • The OleDbSchemaGuid class added with the lists of known OLEDB schema identifiers.
  • The OleDbSchemaRestriction class added with the lists of restriction indexes for known OLEDB schemas.
  • The OleDbLiteral class added.
  • The OleDbMetaDataCollectionNames class added.
  • The number of tests and debug structures ensuring the correct work of components increased.

New examples

If you are interested in working with stored procedures grouped into PACKAGE, please take a look at the new example for our .NET Provider:

  • Creation and working with PACKAGE (C#, FB3)
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    Database Workbench 4.4.1, free Lite Editions released

    Upscene Productions is proud to announce the release of the free Lite editions of the popular Windows-based development tool:

    Database Workbench 4.4.1 Lite

    For more information, see here.

    Database Workbench Pro supports:
    – Borland InterBase (6.x – XE )
    – Firebird ( 1.x, 2.x )
    – MS SQL Server/MSDE ( 7, 2000, 2005, 2008, MSDE 1 & 2, SQL Express )
    – MySQL 4.x, 5.x
    – Oracle Database ( 8i, 9i, 10g, 11g )
    – Sybase SQL Anywhere ( 9, 10, 11 and 12 )
    – NexusDB ( 3.0 and up )

    The Lite Editions are available for:
    – InterBase
    – Firebird
    – MySQL

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    Advanced Data Generator 3.1.1 released

    adg3_64x64 Upscene Productions announces the release of:
    Advanced Data Generator 3.1.1″

    A fast test-data generator tool that comes with a library
    of real-life data, can generate data to your database,
    SQL script or CSV files, many filling options, presets and
    much more.

    If you develop database applications, you need data for testing purposes!

    Version 3 included many new features, eg:

    • Unicode support in an all new fresh user interface
    • Ability to use external databases as the source for data
    • New and improved data libraries for real life like data
    • New template types
    • Much improved documentation with comprehensive “How to”-section

    This product comes in four versions:

    • Pro: ADO and ODBC connectivity
    • InterBase Edition
    • Firebird Edition
    • MySQL Edition

    For more information and a trial download, see the news @ Upscene Productions, pricing information is available.

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    An update about Firebird on iOS now can be downloaded for testing

    Update Posted by Paul Beach : I have updated the Firebird embedded on iOS page on my blog to reflect the current state of things, now my Mac has been returned.

    My Mac has returned, with a new motherboard and I have rebuilt Firebird for iOS with the relevant (new) embedded code, and made an embedded build. This can now be downloaded from:


    isql/gbak (or any other firebired utility) can now find the relevant libs they need by searching the directory above them i.e. MacOS.
    I haven’t tested this myself yet on IOS, so any feedback would be appreciated.

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    Firebird Tour: Seminar in Prague, November 25, 2013

    Firebird Tour is a series of seminars around the world in 2013 and 2014, devoted to Firebird, with members of Firebird Project as speakers.

    The first seminar will be in Siegburg (Germany), November 22, 2013 (early bird registration is over, few places at regular price still available).

    The second stop of Firebird Tour will be in Prague (Czech Republic), November 25, 2013.

    Firebird 2013 Tour will be devoted to all aspects of transactions, from the basic idea, to the internal implementation, best practices and guidance how to effectively use transactions in the applications, and, of course, performance analysis of transactions and related areas.

    List of topics to be covered:

    –   Transactions from the beginning: isolation levels and specific Firebird parameters (no_rec_version, table locking, read/write, wait/nowait), examples of their usage
    –   How to use effectively isolation levels and parameters in multi-user applications, typical errors in transactions management
    –   Internal implementation of transactions in Firebird, including versioning, locking and multi-generation mechanism
    –   Garbage, sweep, auto-sweep: what are they and how to make them work for you and not against you
    –   Effective management of transactions in various development tools (Delphi, Java, .NET, etc)
    –   Transactions monitoring: transaction markers, MON$ tables, Trace API, third-party tools, how to find bottlenecks in transaction management and optimize database performance with monitoring
    –   Best practices of transaction management, special approaches to optimize transaction in closed sourced applications.
    –   Overview of Firebird 3.0 features


    The detailed schedule of talks will be published later.

    Languages at seminar will English and Czech.


    Organizers of Firebird Tour are IBSurgeon Ltd and IBPhoenix.


    Firebird seminar in Prague will take place in Hotel Extol Inn, November 25, 2013, from 09-00 to 18-00.


    Attendee’s fees

    Attendee’s fee includes seminar attendance, coffee-breaks, lunch and beverages. Room is not included.

    Early bird registration is available till November 1, 20, 2013.

    Early bird registration is EUR 25 , for group of 3+ attendees – EUR 19/person.

    Regular price registration (after November 1, 2013) is EUR 35, for groups  3+ – 29 eur/person.

    There are limited seats, so please take your chance and register as soon as possible.
    Please feel free to ask any questions to organizer’s email firebird2013@ib-aid.com

    Alexey Kovyazin

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    Hopper v1.4.0 – stored procedure/trigger debugger – released

    Upscene Productions announces a new release of:
    Hopper – a Stored Code Debugger”

    Hopper is a Stored Routine and Trigger Debugger, available for Firebird, InterBase and MySQL.

    For more information and a trial download, see the news @ Upscene Productions, pricing information is available.

    Bugfixes include CHAR issues with InterBase and Firebird and a CAST error in MySQL.

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