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Jaybird 2.3 will become Jaybird 3.0

Mark Rotteveel announced :
As Jaybird 2.3 is going to be a big change from Jaybird 2.2, I have
decided to renumber the version to Jaybird 3.0.

Changes planned for Jaybird 2.3 are now planned for Jaybird 3.0. Changes
planned for Jaybird 3.0 are now planned for Jaybird 3.1 (but might get
into Jaybird 3.0).

Some of the major changes include a new Type 4 (wire protocol)
implementation to be able to support new features in the wire protocols
(especially for Firebird 3*), and probably also in the Type 2 (native)
implementation. The behavior and compatibility of Jaybird and the
interpretation of the JDBC specification might (will) also change for
some cases and I think a new major version is needed to indicate this,
as I expect that this new version will not be a drop-in replacement in
all cases.

There is no date set for the release of Jaybird 3.0, work is progressing
but slowly and the changes made for the new wire protocol implementation
will cascade through the entire driver once I replace the existing

Once the new wire protocol implementation is in place I will start
releasing snapshots for testing.

Development of Jaybird 2.2.x will continue at least until the release of
Jaybird 3.0. If necessary new features will be implemented and bugs will
continue to be fixed. For example Firebird 3 BOOLEAN type and (basic)
Java 8/JDBC 4.2 support will be added in Jaybird 2.2.4.

I have planned to release Jaybird 2.2.4 at the end of this month.

*: Actual implementation for the Firebird 3 authentication and
encryption protocol (SRP) is not yet planned for Jaybird 3.0.

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ANN: FB TraceManager V3.0.2 has been released!

FBTM_V3_48x48 Upscene Productions is excited to officially release FB TraceManager V3.0.2!

Ever wondered if garbage collection might be guilty when one and the same statement shows dramatic different execution time on the same data volume? We have the answer.

This release exposes user-friendly Firebird Garbage Collection information at statement-level in parsed trace data and in the per-database monitoring tables integration.

More information on V3.0.2 is available here:

Don’t forget our 15% autumn discount: HERFST13

More information on the product is available in the FB TraceManager section on our website, including an edition comparison sheet, webcasts etc.:

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Database Workbench 4.4.2 released, 15% autumn discount

Upscene Productions is proud to announce the next
version of the popular multi-DBMS development tool:

Database Workbench 4.4.2 Pro

For more information, see here.

Take advantage of our 15% autumn discount!

This version includes fixes for issues as reported by our users.

The free Lite Editions will be released later.

Database Workbench supports:
– Borland InterBase (6.x – XE )
– Firebird ( 1.x, 2.x )
– MS SQL Server/MSDE ( 7, 2000, 2005, 2008, MSDE 1 & 2, SQL Express )
– MySQL 4.x, 5.x
– Oracle Database ( 8i, 9i, 10g, 11g )
– Sybase SQL Anywhere ( 9, 10, 11 and 12 )
– NexusDB ( 3.0 and up )

You like this news? Twitter it! Share it! Check out the PromoProgram!

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eHealth system demo up and running (powered by Firebird)

Nigel Weeks created a demo for an assignment (for his Paramedic Practice degree) for a small fictional town’s health clinic, some appointment rooms, and some remote health professionals that are employed a few days a week (You can check it online also download the source code : Firebird SQL , PHP , webrtc, Ubuntu Server):

Naturally, I used the tools I know and love: PHP, FirebirdSQL, a splash of CSS, and a dollop of HTML.

Its feature set:

-Client management, current and outdated contact information(historical support)
-Bookings to see specialists, and notes system to go with the consultancy
-Booking screen with calendar for each specialist, and automatic blocking out for longer appointments.
-Daily run sheets for specialists (so they can see their appointment load in the morning)
-Payment status reports on appointments
-Reports on Specialist’s booking loads, and booking trends for hour of the day
-Outstanding account reports
-A WebRTC TeleHealth system for remote client and specialist consultancy and more. Oh yes, role-based access control(rudimentary)

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