Firebird backend for Django 1.6.x stable version released
Firebird backend for Django 1.6.x stable version (final) is released on pypi (now with wheel support)
Firebird backend for Django 1.6.x stable version (final) is released on pypi (now with wheel support)
Microtec is pleased to annonce a new product for Firebird database mirroring, called CopyCat LiveMirror.
Based on our CopyCat replication engine, LiveMirror is a simple to use tool geared specifically towards setting up a mirror of your production database for failover / backup purposes.
LiveMirror is easy to setup, reliable, and affordably priced at 49 EUR per licence.
For more information about LiveMirror, please have a look at our product page here.
TurboBird 1.0.2 is released as a stable version
Adding Auto commit option. Minor bug fixes
Here in Tracker is the current status of the Firebird bugfixing for the next releases Firebird 2.5.3 and Firebird 3.0 Beta 1
Paul Vinkenoog wrote on firebird docs list
This is just to let you know that I’m making time available for the Language Reference this year. I’m working on the DML chapter now, and I’m somewhere in the middle of the SELECT statement. All the others are finished (the other DML statements, that is – not the other chapters!)
I will do my utmost to have a “basic” Language Reference ready this year, i.e. possibly without all the details on Dialect 1 and other things that people can hopefully live without for a while (or grab the IB6 LangRef if they can’t).
Once finished, updating it to Firebird 3 shouldn’t be a hell of a job.
But it ain’t finished yet.
pyfirebirdsql Version 0.9.3 is released with alternate crypt support for Windows and a few refactorings
pyfirebirdsql is included now in FreeBSD ports collection
Management of Information Technology of the Federal Bailiff Service (FSSP) Russia announced a new phase of implementation of the free software and “import information technology” – the appearance of their own GNU / Linux distribution called GosLinux.
GosLinux distribution is based on CentOS 6.4 and created by “Soft Red” in 2013 after a win of the Russian company in the competition for revision, implementation and maintenance of automated information systems for FSSP Russia. In the server infrastructure of the territorial distribution of the FSSP Russia CentOS was used since 2012, and now all units bailiff service can use a specialized system, which received a FSTEC certificate at the end of March.
Among the major software components of the distribution used in the FSSP Russia, referred to the : Apache Tomcat application server and “Red Soft” database based on relational open source database Firebird.
And another article here
ps: Sorry for google translation
Upscene Productions is excited to officially release FB TraceManager V3.5.1! |
This release adds support for pre-defined purge options of stored trace data. Minor issues have been fixed as well.
More information is available here:
Or also directly in the V3.5 what’s new section of the online product documentation:
More information on the product is available in the FB TraceManager section on our website, including an edition comparison sheet, webcasts etc.:
Thanks for your continued support.