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ANN: CopyCat LiveMirror 1.2

Microtec is pleased to announce a new release of our database mirroring and backup tool : CopyCat LiveMirror version 1.2 !

LiveMirror makes it trivial to setup a one-way replication setup between two Firebird databases, so that you can easily have a reliable, up-to-date backup at your fingertips, at all times.

For more information about CopyCat LiveMirror, have a look at our product page.

Changes in this release:

  • Added an option allowing you to specify a list of tables to exclude from replication.
  •  Added an option allowing you to manually create or remove CopyCat meta-data (system tables and triggers) from your databases.
  •  Add button to synchronize manually.
  •  If no primary key is available, LiveMirror will now use any available unique index to identify the rows to replicate.
  •  Fixed a bug causing incorrect date/time formatting for date fields used in primary keys in dialect 1 databases.
  •  Corrected a refresh problem : if you kill the service from the task manager, the “Started” label does not get refreshed in the LiveMirror Manager.


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Database Workbench 4.4.7 released

Upscene Productions is proud to announce the next
version of the popular multi-DBMS development tool:

Database Workbench 4.4.7 Pro

For more information, see here.

The Free Lite Editions will be released at a later stage.

Database Workbench supports:
– Borland InterBase (6.x – XE )
– Firebird ( 1.x, 2.x )
– MS SQL Server/MSDE ( 7, 2000, 2005, 2008, MSDE 1 & 2, SQL Express )
– MySQL 4.x, 5.x
– Oracle Database ( 8i, 9i, 10g, 11g )
– Sybase SQL Anywhere ( 9, 10, 11 and 12 )
– NexusDB ( 3.0 and up )

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Hopper v1.5.1 – stored routine debugger – now available!

Upscene Productions announces a new release of:
Hopper – a Stored Code Debugger”

Hopper is a Stored Routine and Trigger Debugger, available for Firebird, InterBase and MySQL.

For more information and a trial download, see the news @ Upscene Productions, pricing information is available.

Bugfixes include null-handling and improved parameter default handling as well as new support for dynamic statements on an external data source.

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