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The Russian Misson Control Center uses Firebird Database

The Russian Misson Control Center uses Firebird.

I quote Alex Peshkoff on the Firebird Development list

FYI – our colleagues from the Mission Control Center tested format of
VMT in the following environment
Intel(R) Itanium(R) Processor 9310
HP-UX B.11.31
HP C/aC++ Version A.06.26

and it differs from what we have on windows/linux. I do not have access
to that box myself, so I can’t report what is actually that format. But
an attempt to access it as we do on windows/linux cause an error.

I have asked Alex and is confirmed

Q: Can you confirm this news ? , I have saw it on ibphoenix and then
Adriano asked if is true
I never use twitter (and same sites), but looking at subj I can say – yes, they do.
And they use it on rather specific HW, including itanium with HPUX.

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Firebird driver support in #PHP 7

PHPNG (next generation) is the branch for the next php release (PHP 7). There are a few steps for firebird extension (ibase) in order to work with the new engine : You can clone the repository and test php master branch from git.
The extension changelog is here.
(There are a few patches already submitted by Dmitry Stogov)

ps: pdo_firebird seems already supported and is in the list of extensions already converted
Update: phpng is merged into php master branch

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IBSurgeon FBDataGuard 3.0 is available

IBSurgeon is glad to announce new version of Firebird maintenance, backup and anti-corruption tool FBDataGuard 3.0. New version contains many visual improvements, including completely new web interface with enhanced localization (English, Russian and Brazil Portuguese).

FBDataGuard 3.0

Now FBDataGuard also supports compression of backups up to 12Gb in size. There are also several minor bug fixes.
More details and download: ​www.ib-aid.com/en/fbdataguard/

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