New Firebird interface (cloop) – Cross Language Object Oriented Programming

Adriano wrote on Firebird-devel and twitter :

I put in my github account the first version of cloop – Cross Language
Object Oriented Programming.

This first version is limited to void and int datatypes, supports C, C++
and Free Pascal, and the makefile works only in POSIX.

Some files in src/tests/test1 are autogenerated. They are flag as this
in their first line.

Tests consists of three (one for each language) executable and three
libraries as well.

The executable is the consumer test part and receives a parameter with
the library name of the supplier test part, so we can test any
combination of C/C++/Pascal as consumer/supplier. Examples:

./output/debug/bin/test1-pascal output/debug/bin/
./output/debug/bin/test1-c output/debug/bin/
./output/debug/bin/test1-cpp output/debug/bin/

./output/debug/bin/test1-cpp output/debug/bin/

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Mini-interviews with speakers Firebird Conference 2014 speakers roundup

 wrote on linkedin Firebird group :

We started series of mini-interviews with Firebird Conference 2014 speakers:
Ann Harrison:
Paul Reeves:
Mark Rotteveel:

Stay tuned for more interviews!
Don’t miss the last chance to register at Firebird event of the year: Prague, October 24-25:

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FB TraceManager V3.5.2 has been released

FBTM_V3_48x48 Upscene Productions is excited to officially release FB TraceManager V3.5.2!

This release adds UI docking capabilities, improved Firebird 3 support and fixes minor bugs.

More information is available here:

Feel free to check out the following V3.5 demo video

More information on the product is available in the FB TraceManager section on our website, including an edition comparison sheet, webcasts etc.:

Thanks for your continued support.

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ANN: CopyCat LiveMirror 1.3

I am pleased to announce that CopyCat LiveMirror 1.3 is officially available!

CopyCat LiveMirror is our database mirroring and backup tool, designed to make it trivial to setup a one-way replication between two Firebird databases, so that you can easily have a reliable, up-to-date backup at your fingertips, at all times. Please refer to our product page for more information

Changes in this release :

* Various core changes and minor bug fixes.
* Fixed bug saving database configuration data.
* Fixed bug causing errors with wide string fields in some situations.
* Improved log viewer window so that it’s responsive even when holding a large log file.
* Added an error reporting module allowing for more detailed error messages and bug reports.
* Fixed bug causing automatic replication to stop after database connection loss. In such a case, LiveMirror will now continue trying to reestablish a connection every time replication fires.
* LiveMirror now excludes fields with errorneous field names (DATE, TYPE, USER, etc) that were allowed in older versions of Firebird and can still be present in some databases.
* Automatically grant full rights to all users for RPL$ system tables created by LiveMirror, so that there will be no error when inserting into RPL$LOG through the triggers when a user makes changes to the database.

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Firebird 3.0 beta 1 is almost ready

Dmitry Yemanov recently announced (in fb-devel discussion list) that Beta 1 of Firebird 3 is expected to be released in the next week.

Please take some time when Beta1 is out and do as much tests as you can, and report the problems back in fb-devel or Firebird tracker, helping the core developers to address the issues and so speeding up the schedule of the next releases .

Update from Dmitry:

Correction: Beta *code* is expected to be ready (i.e. tagged) the next
week. The release itself will appear slightly later, after composing the
docs and passing QA.

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